You know, I really feel it is important to s-l-o-w down and savor the process of grieving, to fully feel it and be in it, to be as present as possible with each and every emotion and event. I also remember that I had to go thru and mark all the things I would take with me and I really felt her guiding hand in each decision, because frankly I was out of my mind with sorrow.
It turned out to be a good thing, because I felt that she selected each and every thing she wanted me to have, and I am all the more grateful for the things, but more so for that experience, and her special gift to me… learning how to live fully and take each moment as is comes.
Just as you enjoyed your loved one… enjoy their memory, and communing with them each time you think of them or touch their treasured gifts. If you are a daughter or son, remember that you are one of their gifts and take good care of yourself, learning to live fully with the memories and in your own “present”. (((hugs))) -ljg