A CC Coincidence

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    Our friend had developed symptoms in the last month or so, a drastically different CC experience than ours thus far. I looked at my dad when we were alone and said sometimes you’re luckier than you think. He said yep.


    I had a similar experience. After Jim passed I was talking to a friend who’s brother passed away several years earlier. He was only in his 50’s and had also died very quickly without much warning. As we talked & I explained what Jim had & our expereinces, she thought it all sounded very familiar. After talking to other family members, and checking the death certificate, she realized that his cancer was CC. (interesting side note, he spent time in Asian countries with the USO when he was young) I gave her a bracelet and she is going to ordered them for everyone in the family. I also have a friend who is a doctor who has had 2 patients die from CC (I gave him some pamphlets) and a women who came into the shop who told me her husband who is in his 70’s had CC & is cured. She was so confident, but that statement truely made me sad as we all know that CC is so unpredictable & can re-enter our lives so quickly. I hope she is right & as Lainy always says, “attitude is everything”! I told her about this site & hope if the cancer returns she comes here for help & support.

    Even tho’ this cancer is relatively rare in the US, it truely has touched many more than we realize. It really is a small world, isn’t it? Yes Lainy, it is sad that our little group has become so popular.


    And doesn’t it make you doubly sad as you know what the patient & family with CC goes through. When T had one of his stent exchanges we were waiting in pre-op and they wheeled a man in who was jaundiced and I heard the doctor say, we are going to put in a stent to drain the bile. I turned my head the other way and the tears rolled down my face. Then at one of the PET Scans I met a lady who also had CC. It is a feeling one cannot describe. First you feel like you have met long lost family and then the reality sets in and you always feel that sadness. Its also sad that we are becoming so “popular”.


    It is such a coincidence!!!! As strange as it is, when my mom was in the hospital getting ready for her surgery one of her nurses had a sister who had been diagnosed with cc earlier that year. We also have some friends whose preacher’s wife was diagnosed with cc.

    I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your family friend.



    As many on here may recall my father was diagnosed with CC in Oct 2008.

    We were saddened on Friday to learn of the passing of a lifelong family friend. We visited his family today and were shocked to learn that he had been diagnosed with CC (specifically bile duct cancer) just last week. Apparently, he had symptoms for some time, but was difficult to diagnose because he also had cirrhosis.

    As rare as this disease is, I would have never expected to know someone else affected by it particularly someone so close and at the same time.

    Praying for all CC families,


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