Large intestine not working

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    Tara, you are at great hospitals and wow, your dad really became a CC poster kid. This is such a monster, isn’t it? We just don’t know much about it or how it will react so I always say, the only thing we really know is that we know nothing. You are already doing a lot of reading and researching and that’s a good thing. Right now the best I can tell you is to stay strong, have lots of hope and don’t forget to be good to yourself. Its a long journey and we are here for you so please visit us often.




    Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately at the time of diagnosis it had spread to the lower lymph nodes, and the tunor wrapped itself around the main artery in the stomach area. On June 1 2009, he had a radiation micro embolisation(sp?) procedure done at Stanford on his liver. We have Stanford involved as a second opinion to Kaiser but they too are stumped.
    PTscan on Sunday.


    Hi Tera and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one hopes to join. My husband had a Whipple 4 years ago and the CC came back a year ago where his duodenum used to be. First he had radiation then cyber knife and now and it is gone. Yes, everyone is different but if my doctors were perplexed I would try to get another opinion. We are fortunate that the CC has not gone to Teddy’s liver and hopefully will stay away a long time now! Think about that other opinion and please keep us posted. Was the CC confined to the bile duct at the time of the Whipple? Please keep us posted.


    I should clarify that he was diagnosed June 21, 2008


    Hi! First of all I want to let you all know how grateful I am that you are available as additional resources and support. I admire the courage and honesty that so many of you show by helping one another through this site. My father was diagnosed June 21 with stage IV bile duct cancer. A whipple surgery was performed and he went through radiation and chemo but the tumors spread to the liver. Until 2 weeks ago my Dad and I were playing golf, having fun with his Grandchildren and enjoying friends and family. He complainrd about pain on the right side of his stomach which wrapped around to his back. The new CT scans and xrays show now new tumors but his pain became so severe that we went to the ER last Sunday. There it was determined that fluid was surrounding the right lung and they drained over 2 liters, then we were told that his intestines were not function but they could not find an obstruction/tumors on the ctscan or xray. Since last Sunday we have been in the hospital. Today is Friday and the fluid is back on the right side and will need to be drained as it is causing shortness of breath. It has been 6 days and still no answers regarding his condition,

    I know each person is different but has anyone else expierenced these symptons and at what stage? I am very concerned and have not been able to get a straight answer from his physicians. They seemed to be perplexed too.

    Please provide feedback if possible.
    Thank you!

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