Stage 4 extrahepatic CC

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Stage 4 extrahepatic CC

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    Nancy, I am glad that you had time with your mom at the end. One couldn’t ask for a more personal, valuable time. I am very sorry for your loss.
    Peace and hugs,


    Dear Nancy, I am sorry for your loss and appreciative of your words of wisdom- to live, laugh and love, every minute you get. To take that journey with our loved ones is one of the most difficult ever, but definitely a gift to be cherished. Moms provide us with teaching moments at virtually every corner, some of which we only recognize in hindsight… your Mom gave you a special one, the reminder to slow down for the things in life that count- as life is too short.

    Thanks for sharing Nancy.



    Dear Nancy-its hard to know the ropes in some ways but easier overall I think.It is a strange experience when you have cared for others to be in the situation you wouldnt wish on anyone-I share this with you kind regards from Janet


    Dear Nancy we are so very sorry for the loss of your mother. She was very lucky to have you as a daughter and for you to take this awful journey with her
    and to be by her side. Mother’s never really leave, you know, they watch over you for eternity. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.


    Dear Nancy,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You were so lucky to have atleast had that last month to spend together. We often hear that life is too short, but no one ever believes anything like this will happen to them. I too wish I could have back the moments I was too busy doing other things. I can only hope that others will take your message to heart.

    Love & Hugs,



    My mother was dx Feb 2008 and the prognosis was grim,6 mnths at best,deep liver tumors,pancreas tumors. She began with the jaundice and severe itching and fatigue.Next step was what now ? She came to my home to live out the rest of her days saying it’s the best place she would be cared for,she and i had worked Hospice for several years and knew the ropes per say.I got to care for my mother for 1 month before she passed,a month i will cherish forever.I miss her terribly,but wouldnt think of seeing her live another day with this mean cancer.One thing i can share is to live love and laugh as much as you can with your loved ones,try to never be to busy for any of them.Life is so short cancer or not,and what i’d give for those moments i was to busy for!

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