Infusion treatment to strengthen bones and search and kill cancer cell

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    Hello Julia….although, Amy is keeping us informed it is wonderful hearing from personally. Julia, I also remember Jeff having severe pain due to the metastases to the spine and him being treated with radiation. In regards to the infusion though, are you being treated with a Bisphosphonate which I had been told is being used for the treatment of Osteroporosis?
    It is exciting to know that Maddy soon will have her little brother Max Fredrick.
    Hugs to all of you,


    Hi Julie and welcome. You do have a wonderful daughter! I am going back into the recesses of my mind and I think that our Jeff G. had that. Perhaps Marion can remember better. go to the top of the page and you will find a search button. Put in the word infusion and see what comes up. Lots of luck and we will be praying for you to have great success in curbing that pain!


    Hi to all,

    Amy Lea is my lovely daughter. Thank you for supporting and encouraging her during this difficult time of my illness. I certainly appreciate the kindness you’ve shown her as we’re expecting a new baby boy. Having the site has been a God send message board for her and so many others.
    I do have a question. Hopefully I can phrase it so someone will understand. For the last few months I’ve experienced serere lower back pain. CTs showed no problem, but I persisted for more exams. MRI did show 2cm tumor on spine. No wonder such pain. I’ve had 11 radiation with IU Simon Center, Indy, using the triology.
    In a few weeks I begin a 10 minute infusion, not chemo, to strengthen bones, seek and kill any cancer cells in bone. It is also to help with pain. It will be every 6 weeks for 2 years.
    Doctor says no side effects from drug. This has been shown to be very effective.
    Any answers are welcome. If no one has had treatment, I’ll let all know what happens with me.
    Thanks again,
    Has anyone had the infusion treatment? I wonder if

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