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  • #30527

    I am so so sorry to hear Ryans story. It is just heartbreaking for his family. This disease is so unfair. I send my sympathy and prayers to you and the rest of Ryan’s family. God Bless,


    Such a bittersweet time. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.



    We are so very sorry to hear the awful journey that Ryan had to take. He will always be watching over his wife and children, just from a different room. Our prayers and thoughts go out to Ryan’s Family.


    What a sad story. This horrific disease is just unrelenting. You just have to wonder why. It is all so unfair. My sympathy, thoughts & prayers are with the entire family.



    What a heart breaking story…. it is so difficult to find the justice in this disease. Ryan and his family are in our thoughts and prayers.



    This is my first post and I don’t want to discourage anyone but I just lost my nephew July 7th,2009. Ryan was a Green Beret Special forces and was deployed to Iraq in January. In March he told his wife he really felt sick, nauseous,vomitting etc..May 28th my sister called me and said Ryan was being flown to Walter Reed diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma. He stayed at Walter Reed a week (put a drain in to drain bilirubin) and then flown to Sloan Kettering to be a patient of Dr. Fong. His wife Heather and he had a daughter 18mos old and Heather was 9 mos pregnant when she got to Sloan Kettering. She ended up at the hospital across the street in labor. The Drs. disconnected Ryan from IV”S and wheeled him over to the delivery room in time to see his second daughter come into the world June 13th. The spent some good quality family time for 2 weeks and then Ryan had surgery July 1st. He died July 7th and we just buried him August 3rd at Arlington National cemetary. He fought hard but his strong body releinquished itself to this disease unfortunately. Ryan was 35 yrs old and lived a full happy life. We’ll miss him.
    Good luck to all fighting this horrid disease and I will always keep you in my prayers.

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