Taking my daughter to college today!

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Taking my daughter to college today!

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    What a blessing. I have 20 year old twins. They both took off last semester to help me out after my diagnosis. They are back in school. My daughter is psychology pre-med and my son wants to be a fire fighter. It is neat seeing their dreams unfold and them move closer to their goals. Good luck.



    Boy, I remember those days as if it were yesterday and now mytwo daughters are 40 and 38 and son 34. Taking the first one was desvastating, but with each one it got a little easier. One daughter is hospice nurse, one is a marketing director and my son is in HVAC. I’m proud of all three of them. My next goal is to watch my oldest granddaughter graduate from college (she’s ten) ;)


    Now Lisa,
    No crying when you part…i hated when my mom would do that because then I would start!

    I bet she is going to have tons of fun being away from home…but dont think about what kind of fun!



    You should be so proud of yourself and your children!

    Amy :)


    Congratulations Lisa!! What an accomplishment. I love that your daughter is going for equine courses since I love horses. You have done a great job with your your children. Have you found anyone to rent a room yet? Take care and God Bless,


    WOW! Lisa, you have so much to be thankful for but I have a sneaking suspicion it was their MOM who got them to where they are today! They must be wonderful “people”.


    My middle child (age 21) is off to college in Idaho to begin a equine study course. I’m very proud of her to be brave enough to go out of state and far away from home to do something she really wants to do.

    Its a little scary for both of us, but I’m sure she’ll do good. The college is in Twin Falls, Idaho (700 miles away from home), and the program is a two-year course.

    My goal is to support her as much as I can and live long enough to see her and all three of my children graduate from college, God willing.

    My son is starting his junior year of college at Western Washington University. He wants to be a teacher. He is not so far away as she is, though.

    My youngest daughter will be a senior this year. Big year for all three of them!

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