Language barrier strikes again

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    Hi Kris,

    I too have my ups and downs. It is crazy! You start to think that all is well, and maybe just maybe the treatment is working. Then bang, the doctors knock you on your ass and force you into reality. I hate it!

    I started the combination gem/cis about a month ago. Scans are scheduled for the end of September. So far, I haven’t suffered with any side effects at all. Part of me is scared by this thinking that my body is fighting off the chemo – LOL. Anyhow, if this doesn’t work, I will be applying to a clinical study at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas. They are working with Proton Beam Therapy. As long as there is something out there for me to try I will hold out some hope.

    Remember – Losers quit when they’re tired, Winners quit when they’ve won!

    All the best – keep pushing those doctors – they only know what they have seen/studied – they can’t predict how YOU will react to treatments.



    I’m sorry Kris that you are having such a rough time. I really hope you can have surgery. Just try not to get too down. We are all praying for you and wishing you the best. At least it sounds like your Dr is still fighting for you and not writing you off. That’s good news. I think that happens way too often. Take care!! Mary


    Dear Kris,

    I am so sorry for this disappointing turn of events. No one can blame you for feeling so down. It seems like just when you think things are going along fine you are blindsided by this awful disease. You are young, it was found early and as you said it is slow growing. You have a lot going for you. You are a fighter with an attitude. I’m betting you will win this round too. :)

    Thinking of you and hoping for better days ahead. Please keep posting and updating us on how you are doing. We are all here for you as you are for every else.

    Love & Hugs,


    Hi Kris….Mmmmm…..I am not sure I understand their language. If one saw it one way and another saw it another way…have you thought about a 3rd opinion? Or maybe I am now having a language barrier. If I know you, you will soon be done crying and soon will be fighting again! Always thinking about you….


    So from my last conversation with the doctor (not my normal one since she was on vacation), we understood that my lymph node was now clean and my other two tumors were slightly bigger. Uhm, no. Talked to my normal doctor today adn my lymph node tumor is still there and is actually bigger. My liver tumor is stronger and my large stomach tumor they dont know what is happening there! I am so disappointed. It was like being punched in the gut. The little hope I had, that chemo had killed the lymph node tumor was just ripped out from under me.

    We talked about other different therapies, chemoembolisation, PDT and each was a negative because of size, location, or number of tumors.

    The good news is I will be adding cisplatin to my Gemzar next round with the possibility of Erbitux as well. I will be meeting with the country’s cc specialist to discuss this.

    Surgery is still ruled out, but my doctor said she will keep hounding them.

    The funny moment was when I asked my doctor if the cc specialist was an aggressive doctor and she replied that yes she was plus she had written her a VERY long letter about me….a bet it said what a pain in the tail I am. And when I said that if something had a 5% chance of helping I wanted to try it, she laughed and said “We know”.

    I have cried buckets today which I think upset the nurses who always see me laughing and playing. Oh well, so I have 1 more and larger tumor than I thought. My doctor said not to worry too much because our goal is surgery and the lymph node tumor can be taken out if I have surgery adn since cc is slow growing, it doesnt spread through the lymph system as fast as other cancers.

    I hate it when reality hits me upside the head.


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