My Sister was diagnosed yesterday

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My Sister was diagnosed yesterday

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    Welcome to the site Windrose. As to how long she has got, there is no answer. Some tumors grow fast, some grow slow. My tumor is HUGE, but it doesnt cause me any problems. Before I had surgery to open my stomach up (my tumor blocked the passage of food), I went home to visit my parents. I live in Sweden now so it was a big deal. My husband and I did the great American road trip. It was pretty easy, though I got very tired and we didnt do everything we wanted. Hans drove the entire time so I could sleep. We didnt stay out late and tried not to overdo things. We had a great time and sometimes it just feels good to know that despite the cancer, you can still do somethings if you are willing to live within your new limitations.



    Hello Windrose and welcome to our world. We always say that no one has an expiration date printed on the bottom of their feet and with this CC it’s even harder to tell. Where is her CC and did they offer her options? Travel would be OK close to home, not sure I would leave the country or go to far. Just wondering if she feels there are no options for her or was she told that?


    hello everyone,
    my sis, 56 yr old, has CC diagnosed about a month ago, she has refused all treatment, and I was wondering how long she has? she is already feeling out of breath a bit, The reason I ask is that she wants to travel
    thanks for your support


    I will add my welcome to those of above. I know my sister has looked into support groups for family members of those suffering cancer. I havent asked her about it, so I am not sure if they have helped, but it might be something to try.

    Going from your name, I assume you live in Texas? There are some very good cc specialists there. You will be able to find there contact info under the tab “Newly Diagnosed” at the top of the webpage.

    We are here to help. We are very supportive so if you can think of any specific questions, just ask…we are great at just listening to fears and problems as well.



    Hello and welcome to our world. As you have already heard, you have found the best place to be when dealing with this horrible, unpredictable cancer. The people here are truely amazing and will be here to give you strength and knowledge.

    Pam’s son’s words are truely words to live by. That and everyone here will get you through this.

    Please let us know how things are going. Keep posting, even if it is just to vent your feelings. We all know what it feels like and are here for you when you need us.

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.



    So sorry you had to find us. I can promise you that you will encounter some of the most compassionate, intelligent, and caring people in the world on this site.

    I know you will have a million questions. Don’t hesitate to ask. We have or are going through everything you are feeling or wondering about. Do use the search engine above… just enter and you will find lots of information.

    Now will be a good time to go to what I call the “5 minute rule”. That’s where you do 5 minutes and then tackle the next 5 minutes!

    Read my signature line…it’s from my son when my Mom and his grandmother was first diagnosed.

    Unfortunately we lost Mom in April of this year but she fought long and hard. She was able to see the birth of her second great grandchild and dance at her only granddaughter’s wedding this past December.

    You’re in my thoughts and prayers!



    Welcome to our world and so glad you found us. You are perfectly normal in your response to your sister’s DX. As time goes by and you begin to educate yourself about CC you will become stronger and will be your sister’s best advocate. It’s so true that the fight in one begins to come out and takes over the fear. Please let us know how she is doing and what form of treatment they are going to proceed with. You have found the best place on earth that is populated with the most caring and loving people one could hope for. Feel free to visit us often.


    Hello and a warm welcome. I think that we all cry…and then we fight. My husband’s liver also had atrohpied but, a surgery was still possible. There are many options for your Mom and much to hope for.
    In addition too, tons of good wishes coming your way,


    I was so devastated that I cried everytime someone looked at me. Just, by chance, I found this website and felt a million times better after reading the comments. I know now that I have to focus on her life…not her death. The left side of her liver has atrophied.Her team of Drs. will be deciding her plan of care tomorrow. A liver transplant, surgery or chemo/radiation seem to be the what they will be discussing. Thanks for helping me through this.

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