Possibly another new stint????

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    Hi Elmoks,

    Im sorry to hear about your mums condition right now, I know how difficult this is. I’m hoping that her doctors can get to the cause of the pain and give her something to ease this.

    As to the metal stent my dad has, It was inserted through his right hand side, between his ribs. He was given a sedative before the procedure and it was done under anaesthetic. I forget if it was a local or a general. The procedure itself did not take too long and he experienced some pain when he came round from the anaesthetic, for which he was given a small dose of morphine.

    He also had the drain in his right hand side to allow the bile to be collected. Once the stent was in, the bile started to flow into the bag and the bag was emptied every so often so that it could be measured. I forget exactly how long he had the drain bag, but I think it was for a few days at least. He said he didnt have much pain here, but was always aware that it was connected to him, especially when he had to get up and walk about etc. Even once the bile was draining, he still had his jaundice, dark skin and yellow eyes and did so for quite a while after. He did notice quite quickly I think that his itching had started to stop.

    Maybe this link will also go some way to explaining the procedure –


    As I said, he still has the same stent in place and it has not clogged or been cleaned. My dad gets pain in his side every so often for which he takes codeine for. As to whether this is down to the stent or not we do not know. Once he had the stent put in, he would not sleep on his right hand side as he would get a jolt of pain if he did, and still today he does not sleep on his right side.

    My dad also gets some trouble with gas, but no pain as a result of that. Hopefully the new stent will work for your mum and also that her pain can be brought under control.

    I hope some of that helps.

    My best wishes to you and your mum.



    elmok…..A Klatskin tumor, also known as perhilar bile duct cancer, is an extrahepatic malignant tumor that arises at the junction point after the left and right hepatic bile ducts exit the liver. Elmok….there is medication for the pain your Mom is experiencing. You are saying that her liver functions are good. Are you able to look at the results of the blood test, and when was it taken? I think it to be mandatory to ask about the physicians prior experience with this cancer. If the pain is considered to be gas then the liquid diet should not be contributing to it. I am not a physician rather, I have learned from the experience with my husband and I have gained knowledge from the members on this board and the various symposiums attended. I believe for someone very familiar with this cancer needs to have a discussion with you about your Mom’s current condition and the possible progression of this disease. If they don’t know, then someone else needs to be consulted with. My heart is with you in this difficult time.
    All my best wishes coming your way,


    Hi. I think we have lost sight of the fact that once the bile is draining you will still look yellow for a bit. Not as bad but the tint is there. As for the gas….I think CC your name is really gas. I have told Teddy I was going to tie a spray can around his waist! So sorry to hear you mom is in so much pain and hope it all gets straightened out very quickly. The very worse part of this whole thing is to watch a loved one suffer so and not be able to help. Stay strong and hopefully some answers are forth coming!


    I do recall the Dr saying klatskin tumor… what does that mean???

    My mom is still very yellow/jaundice. The dr. said that the last stent wasn’t blocked, so why would she still be jaundice? Doesn’t make since to me.

    They also said that the her liver function was good. So again, why is she so jaundice?? The dr’s say the can’t explain it. Again, we are left frustrated.

    Hopefully on the 14th of this month when they put the metal stent in we will have more answers to our questions. Gavin, can you tell me a little more about the procedure for the metal stent?

    And… my mom has HORRIBLE pains, which they say is from gas. Everything she eats gives her diarrhea. Is this normal? She is now on a liquid diet, this can’t be good, can it?

    Thanks SOOO much for all your helpful advice and words of wisdom.


    Hi Elmoks,

    My dad has a metal stent and has had it since last summer when he was diagnosed. His CC was deemed inoperable from diagnosis so I guess that is why he was given the metal stent and not a plastic one. He has had the same stent since last year and it has not been changed or cleaned out. It was inserted through his rib cage in the procedure you describe, and he also had the billiary drain to drain his bile to relieve his jaundice. If I recall correctly, once the drain bag was removed, he still had the tube in place in case it was further needed, for a few weeks I think.

    Hope some of that is useful and if I can help anymore then please just ask.

    My best wishes to you and your mum.



    I also feel I would get a 2nd opinion. Listen to your gut! Are you totally satisfied? It is your right. Honestly you will have the weight lifted if you get another opinion. “He explained that even if they could get the tumor they would still have to worry about her 2 other lymph nodes” from your post. I always thought lymph nodes can be removed! From the beginning I have wondered why they have so much trouble putting the stint in. It is my impression that metal stints prevent other options. Please consider a 2nd opinion. Also to repeat Marion, has this doctor had much experience with CC?


    Try to get a second opinion about the surgery. The major cancer centers for this disease is at the top of the page under newly diagnosed.



    Elmoks…..did the doctor mention Klatskin tumor? Also, have you been able to ask as to how many patients with Cholangiocarcinoma he has treated?
    Tons of good wishes coming your way,


    Hi Elmoks, my thoughts are with you and your Mom. My Dad had the biliary cath tubing inserted. He too had that changed 3 times over a 4 mo. peroid. It didn’t go out into a bag, unless the docs wanted the bile removed (such as post infection, such that they could monitor it), otherwise it served to divert the bile. The cath did have to be flushed 2X daily. The bile was leaking back out of the tubing hole, at one point so the docs needed to insert a larger cath (he went from an 8 to a 10). The standard schedule, as Mom recalls, was to have it changed every 2-3 months. Because the bile duct was closed, the tubing went from the liver (pushed past the bile mass) & went into the intestines to keep the system functioning. The doc said that he didn’t want the bile going into a bag for any long peroids of time, asserting that the body needed it to continue to function appropriately.

    Wishing you the best.



    Yesterday they put in her 5th stint but had alot of trouble. The Dr. actually tried 3 times before getting it in. They advised that her only options are the metal stint and a tube that would go through her ribs, liver and then into the bile duct. It would then drain into a bag outside of her body. So, as of now they have ordered the metal stint and it should be here in 7 to 10 days.

    The CT scan showed NO masses in her liver, so that’s GREAT, right? Sometimes I find it hard to be positive when all this other is going on.

    The Dr. did explain to us why surgery was never an option. Her tumor is located at the top of the bile duct where the two meet and then seperate for the left and right love of the liver. He explained that even if they could get the tumor they would still have to worry about her 2 other lymph nodes.

    So, for right now we are again, just waiting. I’ve learned that waiting it the worst and hardest part.

    Does anyone have any information on the metal stints? We heard that the surgery is more envasive, but really nothing else. We really would like a guarantee that this stint is going to last longer than 1 month, like the plastic ones have. But, I know, nothing is a guaranteee….. Signed, FRUSTRATED!


    elmok…..metal stents have been used however, never if a resection is contemplated for the future. Metal stent can be cleaned out (some roter-rooter type procedure.)


    Stents often need to be changed. It is very common and many here have had the same problems. I hope the new stent helps make your mom more comfortable.
    And good luck getting that ct. Have you spoken directly to your moms doctor?



    My mom had her 4th stint put in on July 21t, since being diagnosed in April of this year. This weekend she started throwing up again and getting yellow. Today she will do more blood work and probably get another stint put in. My question is, how many stints can you have put in? We have thought about the medal stint and really don’t feel comfortable with that idea. It’s metal and it’s forever….. but, why do the plastic ones keep failing??? She is also suppose to have a CT scan this week on Wednesday but I’m asking that it be done today, before they put the new stint in. I just feel that we NEED to know what else is going on.

    Has anyone else had this many stints put in?

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