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  • #31239

    I have been on Xeloda now for 8 months, for a whi;le in combination with Oxylaplatin, and it has been quite effective. Xeloda converts to FU-5 in the body.


    I think,yes ,get another opinion-it might turn out that the chemo is not really the right way to go best and kindest regards Janet


    Xeloda is 5FU in pill form. According to my old oncologist, the body processes the pill to form 5FU. However, he said there were no studies comparing the effectiveness of Xeloda and 5FU. I took Xeloda for 7 weeks while have radiation, and the combination was very effective for me.



    Laurie….I agree with Kris. Please, get another opinion. Do you mean 5-FU (fluorouracil?) Also, please read Sophie’s postings regarding parenthesis. Sophie has been on a regiment for quite some time and has had parenthesis many times.
    Many good wishes coming your way,


    If I am remembering correctly…that the folfox regime is comprised of 5FU, oxaliplatin, and something else. I remember talking to my doctor about this and she said that the xeloda and oxaliplatin regime came out of folfox. So I am guessing that 5FU and xeloda are related.

    This regime has been discussed before. Try searching the forum for 5FU or folfox.

    IF you are not comfortable with your doctors decisions, get a second opinion. There are several places to check. Has your dad tried xeloda? I *think* that xeloda has fewer side effects than 5fu, but I am not positive.

    Best of luck


    We found out Gemcitabine did not work. The were not able to tell where the cancer originated in the liver. It got significantly larger. The doctors said the cancer is in an advanced stage. He doesn’t have any other symptoms, other than not always eating very good. He eats, he just eats like a bird. Most veggies don’t taste very good. The doctors want to start FU5. Has anyone had success with this chemo drug? I personally don’t think these doctors know what they are doing. Hopefully we will be leaving for Florida in a couple of weeks. No chemo treatment for the last two weeks. Dad’s stomach has been filled with too much fluid. We have been getting it removed the past two weeks. We now have it set up with the hospital to get removed every week. We just have to call the day before and check their schedule. I’m not sure he should start the FU5. Please Advise. We are suppose to start this Wednesday.
    Thank you for all your input.


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