New chemo cocktail

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    Hi Aberdeen,
    I’m currently on the modified Folfox6 regimen. So far my blood counts (especially the red ones) have not rebounded as well as they used to. My counts were fine for my first treatment then for my second treatment the chemo had to be reduced by 20% because my RBC’s were too low. I have had 2 treatments so far, with only mild cold sensitivity and neuropathy in my toes. I won’t have new scans until the end of October so right now I have no idea if it’s working. But even if I do have tumor shrinkage I won’t know if it’s the chemo or the radioembolization I had about 1 month ago. I’m sorry that I can’t speak about how effective it is. I only know about my side effects.

    I spend about 6 hours at the chemo center getting anti-nausea meds, oxaliplatin, leucovorin, magnesium along with one other vitamin-type med (chemo-brain won’t let me remember!) to lessen the neuropathy, and a 5FU push. Then I go home with a pump of 5FU for 46 hours.

    The cold sensitivity is weird, it makes my jaws and lips feel like I’ve tasted something sour, and my throat feels like there’s something stuck in it but my breathing isn’t effected. I think it’s actually a spasm and only lasts as long as I’m drinking the cold drink. When I touch something cold it feels like I’ve held onto an ice cube for too long but the sensation doesn’t linger once I stop touching something cold. The entire cold sensitivity only lasts a couple of days (so far). However, I have read on other sites where people have extreme cold sensitivity, they have to wear gloves if they need something from the fridge or freezer. And if it’s cold outside and breathing hurts to wear a scarf and breathe through it.

    I hope I’ve given you some useful info. Take care.


    Dear Aberdeen. I found one posting referring to FOLFOX4. It has successfully been used in colon cancer and CC patients. As it is the case for many other illnesses, all of the chemotherapy agents are being used


    My dad wasn’t able to continue his oxaliplatin/gemzar mix. It worked the first three months (shrunk the tumor by 30%) BUT since then his platelete levels and WBCs remain too low for too long for him to have an effective course of treatment on these two drugs (MRI results yesterday show 2 new tumors; not surprising given he’s had so many missed treatments b/c of his blood).
    Anyway – new cocktail is Fluorouracil, Oxaliplatin, and Leucovorin. Anyone have any comments on these (side effects, do they work, etc.)?
    This is a little different b/c he won’t just get the chemo at the clinic – he’ll have a pump he will wear for a few days. Comments on that also appreciated!
    I feel so helpless – so I’m trying to gain knowledge. Knowledge is power they say!
    Thanks for any posts!

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