Update on Lenny

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    I send my love to you & Lenny, Dee.




    I am sorry to hear what you and Lenny are going through. I hope the doctors can manage to get his pain under control and make Lenny as comfortable as possible.

    You are both in my thoughts.



    I , too, am so sorry to read your posting. I hope that the pain is under control so that you can have this time together. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Lenny as you travel this oh-so-rough road.

    Joyce C.



    I am so sorry for what you and Lenny are going through and want you to know I am thinking of you. I too am hoping he can be kept comfortable and relatively pain free. Make the most of this time together. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love & Hugs,


    Dee….I am so sorry to read your posting. I am hoping that you are armed with much medication and some extra for breakthrough pain so that you and Lenny can cherish this so very special time in your life.
    Much love coming your way,


    I am sorry Lenny is having so many problems. I hope the doctors can get his symptoms under control so you two soulmates can just spend time together in love and savoring life.

    You are in my prayers.



    Dear Dee we are so very sorry to hear of the terrible journey Lenny has been on. Not sure I like it when I hear “get your affairs in order”. Is the doctor doing anything at all to ease the pain? Teddy is a 4 year survivor of a Whipple and will be 77 on Tuesday. We go to the Radiologist today as a new spot appeared on his PET Scan. Had the doctor ever done a PET as its a good way to detect new tumors. We have been told by 5 top docs that chemo will not work on this type of CC. But radiation/cyber knife did. Have you ever thought about a second opinion? Have they told you why he is so nauseous. There are things they can give him to make him more comfortable. Hoping they can find some some comfort for Lenny!


    Hello Everyone,

    It has been awhile since I’ve posted anything regarding Lenny’s journey with CC. Much has happened in the past few months and at times I feel as if we are in a fog. My precious husband of nearly 23 glorious years had Whipple surgery exactly one year from today (Oct 23, 2008), had a mass in his distal bile duct tube and was removed (stage I). The mass was contained in the bile duct tube and had not spread to any other organs. We were told that Lenny was “cancer free” and a “cancer survivor”. His doctor did not recommend any chemo/radiation to follow.

    Lenny has suffered with many complications (mainly severe nausea, vomiting, rapid weight loss, malnourishment, dehydration and had 2 abcesses, pancreatic leak, erosion and infection). In July 09 Lenny was re-admitted to the hospital for the 11th time with same returning problems (severe nausea, vomiting, extreme weight loss, malnourishment, dehydration & pain). Sadly, it was discovered then while surgically putting in a j-tube for feeding that the cancer had spread to Lenny’s original incision area and 5 nodules were removed and biopsied…..(stage IV). Because Lenny was so weak and underweight (he had lost over 35% of his body weight) chemo/radiation was not an option. Again in Sept. 09 upon another ct scan it was discovered that the cancer has now spread directly between his aorta and the superior mesenteric artery and this mass has now doubled in its size. The doctor advised us that since this cancer has a tendency to “seed” that there may be more cancer elsewhere but is presently undetectable.

    At present, Lenny is in daily pain and much discomfort, especially in his upper and lower abdomen which radiates pain to his lower back. He is homebound most days and unable to get out of bed at times. He appears to be getting weaker day by day. Our doctor advised Lenny to get his affairs in order and to enjoy each day to the fullest while he can. We just live one day at a time….hour by hour. In spite of this horrific journey we still count our many blessings and we are thankful for every day we have together. I still believe in miracles but I also understand what we are up against and the outcome is very grim. Lenny still manages to put on a smile everyday and his courage and faith is truly an inspiration to many. Please remember him in your prayers. He is my soulmate and I just cannot image my life without him.

    God Bless,

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