Helping my Mom

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    I agree, Donellalu, talking to others who know does makes a massive difference, doesn’t it. Please keep coming back & letting us know how you & your mum are getting on. Don’t hold back on the tears on here; they really help too.

    Love Julia


    Welcome donellalu! Likewise my mom has cc and is young (56) as well. It is such a brutal disease. Wishing you all the best.


    To dear donallalu
    Indeed your mum does sound like a fighter, and especially with you and your dad by her side routing for her every step of the way. We can all feel the sadness you are feeling: its so desperately hopeless and horrible isn’t it. I really hope the chemo and radiation work for your mum and you have something positive to think about to get you through these darker days.
    Take care all of you. Wendy


    Hi Donellalu,

    You are right in that it can be hard talking about this to people, most of the people I’ve talked to have never heard of CC before, but there is nothing wrong with having a cry. As Marion says, people here do care and have been through or are going through what you and your family are going through just now.

    My best wishes to you.



    Although, one can’t see the tears we know how you feel. This is the place where you can feel safe and honest. We care.
    Best wishes,


    Wow! Thanks for the warm welcome, and words of encouragement. I didn’t realize how much more it would mean coming from people that are actually dealing with the same battle. Its hard trying to talk to people about it when they ask, because I do not want to cry. But here, I can talk and no one knows that I have tears streaming down my face……


    Hi Donellalu,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. Regrouping after the holidays sounds like a plan and I hope that everything goes well with this. Thats good to hear that your mum is very strong and determined, she sounds like a fighter to me and her positive attitude will definitely help her in this fight!

    I wish you, your mum and dad my very best wishes



    It might very well be that the recurrence is located in location conducive to radiation. I am crossing my fingers for you and your family.
    All my best wishes,


    Dear donellalu – I’d like to join Lainy in welcoming you to this wonderful “family”. I send loads of best wishes for your mother’s recovery. My sister has just started chemo & we’re all feeling much more optimistic now. I’ll keep you & your family in my thoughts as we all fight this.



    Hello and welcome to our little World. Your mother is already a “survivor” of a major surgery and I have a feeling she is going to conquer this as well. With you and your father fighting beside you mother, how can she loose? Make this a wonderful holiday along with thoughts that you again will fight and win. Please keep us updated as you all take on this new challenge.


    I’m, sitting here with my Mother in her hospital room at Johns Hopkins. She is 62 yrs old and was diagnosed with CC shortly after her tumor was found in July of 07. She underwent a work up to look for mets but when none was found, she had a very successful liver resection in March of 08 at Hopkins. She has a small recurrance that unfortuately couldn’t be removed. So, we will regroup after the Holidays and decide on radiation and or chemo options. She is a very strong and determined woman facing a very scary and unpredictable future. My Father and I will be beside her to fight with her….

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