Chemortherapy for My Uncle,Urgent Liver Tumor

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    Ashish…..please, contact: Dr. Mahipal is very familiar with this cancer and is one of the kindest people I have come in contact with. And, as Lainy has suggested please, stay in touch with us also.
    Best wishes,


    Dear Ashish, has the doctor done any tests at all? MRI, CT Scan, PET Scan.
    Where is the tumor? We need a little more information so that our brilliant family here can give you some better answers. So very glad you found us, sorry you had to.


    My mother had jaundice for past few days and the diagnosis of the doctor was that there is an obstruction in bile duct and doctor suggested us ERCP or the surgery we went for surgery but the doctors didnt do the biopsy as it was dangerous and the doctor is saying that further chemotherapy should be done the size of tumor is 3 X3.5 cm.Any suggestion regarding the case
    we are in delhi India.
    Very Urgent Plz


    Hi Suman,
    Best wishes for your uncle. Many people like myself have had their lives extended and have had a good quality of life both in spite of and because of the chemo.


    Marion,Thx for the reply,They have Suggested Chemotheraphy and My father is taking the Chemotheraphy treatment


    Suman…..Many members on this site have used Chemotherapy and have benefitted from it. What type of therapy has been suggested? There is much hope to be had. Also, have you contacted Dr. Mahipad Reddy for a referral? I have much admiration for him.
    Best wishes,


    Thank you..My father is getting Chemotheraphy treatment,They told that is the only option


    Suman……your uncle must be seen by a cancer specialist who is familiar with this type of cancer. Cholangiocarcinoma is treated in many different ways. Much depends on the extent of the disease, tumor location, overall health of the patient, possible metastases, etc. A specialist will be able to determine this. Don’t give up hope. Please, stay in touch.


    Thank you so much Kris & Marion,It is Cholangia Carcinoma about 10 cm,
    Could any one please let us know what Can we do for this type of Tumor,Because we want him to be healthy,We cannot live with out him…

    Please help us if any one had this type of Tumor


    Welcome to the board and sorry to hear about your uncle. I would definately try to stay in India if you and the Dr. Marion has suggested work out. Travelling such long distances when you dont feel well could in the long run do more harm than good. I hope the new doctor can answer your questions. There are several other treatment options available but they all are dependent on where the tumor is and how big it is. I brought in a list to my doctor, and unfortunately none of them could be done for me. You can search the board for proton beam therapy, chemoembolisation, radiation, photodynamic light therapy, SIRT spheres, there are definately others but I cant remember them now. There are people here (just a few) that have had their tumors disappear with chemo but it does sound like your uncles tumor is too big for that. The other possibility is surgery. Or taking chemo for the tumor to shrink enough for surgery. Your doctor will have more answers. Sorry to sound so vague but it really is so dependent on size and location that a doctor needs to look at it.

    You are amazing. You really are the most wonderful (oops I am forgetting your title) Patient Support Advocate, Coordinator (?). You have made so many contacts and not just in the US. When you are able to help people as far away from you as India, it just shows how much your networking at conferences is paying off. And it proves how much the CC Foundation has grown since it was first founded. I bet when Mark’s family started it, they had no idea how important it would be the the cc community and how much good it would do…even across international boarders. So a BIG thank you to the Clements family, you and the CC Foundation for all that you guys do for us.



    I am sorry to hear of your uncle. I will forward to you the e-mail address of a physician in India who will be able to help you. Please, let me know whether you have received it.
    Best wishes,



    My uncle is suffering CholangioCarcinoma and he is in India,Does any one know who is the best doctor or Hospitals to treat this Liver tumor in India or US,Doctors told that Chemotheratphy is the only option as it is metastaces and it is about 10 cm,Can any one please help me if chemotheraphy is the only option can it be curable

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