New plan of attack

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    Hi Lisa and we are so glad you have such a great team behind you. It’s always good to know there is a plan and I love the phrase “retail therapy”. Your cheerleaders on the board here are yelling like crazy, I am sure you can hear us!


    Hi Lisa,

    It sounds like you have a great doctor and team behind you here! Good luck with the new chemo regime, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Best wishes



    Isnt it wonderful when you know your doctor is fighting on your team, sees you as still alive and worth trying different approaches. I guess you could say he is on Team Lisa like the rest of us.

    Good luck on your new regime and let us know how it goes. Losing your hair is far more emotional than I thought it would be so if you need some support I am only an email away.



    Lisa….your cancer had been stable for quite some time before it resurfaced. I am crossing my fingers and toes for ECF to work for you without too many side effects. Regarding hats, caps, and scarves, you might want to contact: They are a wonderful organization and their services are free. They had a booth next to ours at ASTRO, and both volunteers were knitting and crocheting the entire time during exhibit hours.
    Go Lisa,


    After last week’s allergic reaction to oxaliplatin, my doctor determined a new course of action. It seems a bit more complicated than other regimens, but I am heartened by the interest that he is taking in my case. That’s why I wanted an oncologist who specialized in GI cancers.

    So here’s the plan. I’m posting this so that it might help others or give other people ideas for treatment,

    Day 1:

    5-FU (days 1 -3 on a pump)

    Day 4:
    Growth factor shot (Neulasta) Ouch.

    This will cycle every 21 days. It is called the ECF cycle.

    Bummer is that I’ll lose my hair, but I’m already looking at buying cute hats, scarves, and wigs. A little retail therapy is in order.

    This new regimen gives me hope because I see we are not yet out of options and my doctor is doing everything he can to keep me around as long as possible. I know this is a horrible disease, so we have to work extra hard not to lose heart.

    Speaking of heart, I had a MUGA scan done on my heart. This was done to create a baseline before starting treatment because Epirubicin can cause heart damage. The people over at Diagnostic Imaging are getting to know me pretty well – in the last three month I’ve had every test they offer – CT, X-Ray, MRI, ultrasound.

    Anyway, much love to all!

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