I think this is good news

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    From what I was told, Doctor El-Rayes is the head of the Hematology and Medical Oncology department at Emory. Collette (the one who does the scheduling) said that the way they work is that the doctors discuss the case and make recommendations for treatment.

    All I can say is that I hope something happens quickly. The fact that this is an aggressive cancer makes me want her to start treatment today.


    YES! Result. I am glad the honey vs. vinegar approach worked. Are you getting an appointment with Dr. Kauh when he or she gets back?

    Hope you not only get some solid answers and plans but also that “feeling” when you meet the right doctor.



    Good News! A Monday that is busy but productive!



    Being the squeaky wheel but polite while scared yet undestanding about other people’s needs, worked.

    We have an appt with a Dr. El-Rayes at Winship (Emory) on Monday. So on Monday we have an MRI at 10:30A at Dekalb Medical Center, Dr El-Rayes at 12:30P and Dr Steiber (Dekalb Medical Center Surgeon – second opinion) at 3:30P.

    Doctor Kauh at Emory is on vacation next week.

    Monday will be busy.


    Good luck getting a swift appointment!!


    Hi gtm,

    Good news on the test results! I hope you manage to get the app quickly and I hope that goes well.

    Best wishes



    gtm….Soliciting questions from the experienced members on this board is exactly what makes this site so popular.
    Your questions are great. I would add:
    Is a resection possible?
    What would it entail? (Removal of gall bladder, small intestines, etc?)
    How many of these opertions have you performed?
    How are these patients fairing, presently?
    Do you generally recommend chemotherapy post surgery?
    That is all I can think of but, I am sure that others will have more to add.
    Good luck,


    Sorry… I have one more question… wellm for now at least.

    On Monday we’re going to see this Dr. Steiber at Dekalb (Georgia) Medical Center. What questions should I ask him? I am thinking…
    1) How many cases of cc have you dealt with in the past?
    2) How long ago were they?
    3) How many times did you decide a resection was not possible?
    4) Of the resections you did , how many were successful? How many were not?
    5) What is your process? Do you, the oncology radioliogist, and the oncologist as well as whomever else sit down together with us to discuss this case and determine the best course of action?

    Can anyone else think of additional questions to ask during this “interview” with the surgeon?


    I am glad that it worked. All these rules we have to abide by to just “get in to the system”.
    Good luck,


    Well that’s a good outcome and speedy, let’s hope you hear about the appt.soon.

    Sending my best wishes as you start your journey,



    About an hour after I sent en email to wci.referrals@emoryhealthcare.org stating that we’ve been waiting since Monday (now Thursday) to hear from them, I got a phone call from Angela at WCI.

    I ended up hand carrying all of my wife’s records over to Winship (Emory). So now she’s “in the system”. We’re supposed to hear by Tuesday or Wednesday when her appointment will be with the oncologist.


    Marion…. no I guess I was trying to follow “standard” procedures as outlined by the website. I will call/email today. Thanks for the advice.


    gtm…Did you try to call Dr. John S. Kauh (404) 778-1900 wci.referrals@emoryhealthcare.org?


    That is great news!!!! I am so happy surgery is a strong possibility. Yippy.

    My technique is always to say it with a smile. You cant do it on the phone, so I then use the “I am so sorry to be so pushy. I am just very scared and stressed and …blah blah blah.” It is all true and showing that you arent just some nasty person, just someone doing their best while scared helps get them in your corner. It is true the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but you always catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

    I too have heard good things about Emory, but I cant remember where or I would point you in that direction. I think having a good relationship with a doctor and trusting the feeling you get with him or her the most important. Your gut will let you know when you meet him.

    Best of luck.



    The doctors have run all the tests to determine if the cancer has spread beyond the liver. All the tests have come back negative; a huge relief for us. We can only view this as our first good news in a while.

    We go see our first surgeon, a Dr. Steiber at Dekalb Medical Center in Decatur GA, on Monday afternoon after the MRI on Monday morning to start discussing surgery options at this point, if any.

    I am still trying to get an appointment for her to see an oncologist at Winship (Emory Hospital). I am getting a little impatient and frustrated that I made the request on Monday and here it is Wednesday evening and we havent heard anything. Does anyone have any advice? I don’t want to be “too pushy” because I don’t want to be put “on the bottom of the list” to be seen.

    I’ve read good things about the doctors and care at Winship (Emory). I know nothing about this Dr Steiber we’re seeing on Monday afternoon, other than what I can find at this site…


    Any opinions or advice on how to deal with Emory will be appreciated.

    Best wishes to us all…..

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