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    I’ve never had a baby, but your analogy made me laugh. I think it’s a GREAT way to treat the team!! :)


    Thank you all. I feel when I log in that I am amoungst friends, caching up on all the gossip. Its funny how an internet group can bring people with common intrests (even though none of us want this common interest) together like that.

    Gosh Lainy that is wonderful news about your granddaughter I bet she is over the moon.

    Do you remember when you had a baby and there was always some nurse who told you not to push? In my experience when asked that nurse had never had a baby so had no idea of what trying not to push ment, even though she was a very skilled midwife. I am treating my medical team like that, whilst they know the disease they don’t know what its like to have it. So most of their advice I follow but some bits I ignore, like the use by date.


    I’m glad you’ve had a great holiday & some good news, Wendy. No – they DON’T know you!! You go show ’em girl!!!

    Julia :D


    Welcome home Wendy, good to see your smiling face! Now don’t go getting me started on grandchildren. Can I give just 1 small brag? My 17 yr old Grand daughter in Phoenix near me, just found out that she is graduating in the top 15% of her class which awards her the Presidents Scholarship that means she has a full Scholarship to any college in the USA she wants. :):)
    Now to Wendy, Lucille and Kris. You ladies are amazing and I am so in awe of you! Keep up your awesome fight. What are numbers anyway? I flunked General Math twice. Never was good with numbers. Wow! Is this some kind of family or what?


    many of us on this site have been put in some sort of time frame as to when we are suppose to leave this world…..doctors, whom we depend on are just that, doctors….they are only human like the rest of us….there is only one being who knows when our time here is done and that is GOD, so it bothers me (no it pisses me off) when doctors playGOD…your last sentence said it all, THEY DONT KNOW YOU……..prayers and vibes right back at you,,,,,,ron and lucille


    I said something similar to my doctor yesterday…not they have told me any prognosis. I think I have done everything I can to prepare, so for me it is just a number, not important, because I dont conform.

    Glad you enjoyed the family. I miss mine and wish I could get to see them more often. Grandbabies must have been delightful. My grandma was FIESTY and I can still smile at the woman over 20 years after she passed. I just love the interaction between grandparents and grandchildren. It is very special.

    Hope you get that good news. Let us know.



    I am back from my holidays with my three wonderful children and 4 grandchildren. Don’t you just love grandchildren?

    I have spent the last hour reading various posts on this site and catching up on all your news. For those of you who have had good, even great news I am thrilled. For those of you who have had not so good news my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    I arrived home Monday last week and was told on Friday that I was off to Brisbane for radiotheapy (bone in upper right arm). So here I am sitting in a motel room 2,000 klms from home (missing my dog, cat and Mum) going each day to be nuked. I am hoping for a good report from my radiotherapist oncologist on Tuesday so I can go home.

    The good news my lastest scans show no return of of cancer in the liver or lymph nodes. It has now been 3 months since my liver resection and I am only now getting my head around the reports. I am still ignoring the prognosis from my 2 liver specialist, 2 oncologists, 1 GP and 1 surgeon they might think I have only 12 months of life left (Ops minus the 3 months I have used up) because they think they know this disease but they dont know me.

    my love, prayers and I am sending many good vibes to all of you.

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