Just starting treatment…..

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    MyViv, looks like I’m a couple of days ahead of you. As you may have seen, I’ve been trying to update my journey with what I’m going thru and asking questions at the same time. My first Gem/Cis was last Tuesday. I go again tomorrow. So far no nausea. I was a little constipated over the weekend, but it seems to clear up late yesterday. I think my problem is eating to much. Today I have started eating more meals, less qty, but more often. I’m also trying prunes and and foods with fibre.

    I still have pain in stomach that I take Oxycodone.

    I will update my journey again tomorrow as I am sitting in the chair getting infused and working on laptop.


    Hi MyViv,

    My dad also has help with his bowel movements. He was on lactulose and movicol daily but then just moved onto lactulose morning and night. He definitely thinks that the lactulose helps him.

    Best wishes



    MyViv……We were told that a narcotic such as Oxycodone will impair bowel motility. Unfortunately, it is the one side effect most have to deal with. We used stool softeners or laxatives or, at times, we preferred suppositories when nausea became an issue. I hope this helped.
    Best wishes,


    I am on gemzar and cisplatin and I get constipated at the beginning of each treatment. I now take lactalose and it definately helps with it. I am not sure, but if oxycodone is in the same family as morphin, that too can slow things down. Tell your doctor and they will help get things going again.

    Some days we all get down. It is a hard road. But here you are not alone and we do our best to help each other.



    Finally as of Thursday Gemzar, Friday Oxi, first treatments. Still not 100% convinced of the CC diagnosis, but have nothing else to go on since all the
    testing that has been done. Taking Oxycodone for pain in belly. But have
    more “function” issues. Bowels not moving easy. Is anyone on this regamin? Needing more support as time goes by. Already feeling a little
    Pessamistic due to physical consequences. Just talking…… Anyone?

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