Father diagnosed with stage IV cc/ a few questions

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    My father in law was newly diagnosed as well. He got his biliary drain just under two weeks ago. right after, he had terrible gas pains. He is taking a daily simethicone and seems to help. He also eats smaller portions more frequently. Lots of fruits and veggies these days, especially likes them as smoothies. has been good at avoiding fats all together.


    Hello all,

    My Father was diagnosed with stage IV Cholangiocarcinoma in September. He has a Klatskin tumor and it has spread to his lungs. It has been nothing short of a nightmare roller coaster ride, as I’m sure you all well understand. He lives in Eastern Oregon but I live 10 minutes from MD Anderson, so he came down and was able to meet with Dr. Javle. However, the area where he lives is not very familiar with this cancer. He is receiving his first chemo treatment today, 2 months after his initial diagnoses.

    Anyway, trying to make a long story shorter. He is very healthy aside from the cancer and once they placed the stent he felt great other than a little indigestion when he ate. The indigestion seems to have increased a lot and he is very careful about what he eats, and if he doesn’t eat he feels really good. He has trouble eating any protein or fat. Also, he started running a fever and getting jaundiced, so they put him on antibiotics. Have others had this issue with eating even after the stent? Or could it be a problem with the stent?

    I appreciate any experience others might have to share.

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