Hair started falling out today!

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    Perhaps you are getting the double take because you look so good. I told you the last bald woman I saw was super glamorous.

    And if you look like Glen Becks sister, it could be worse……you could look like him. (I am sure you look great by the way)



    Lisa, double takes are good, cold skin is bad. How about a (fake) furry hat. You can also tell people you are taller then your hair. I bet there is something very cute in your look! I think bald is extremely sexy!


    Lisa….my sister-in-law would wear the cutes hats with hair extensions pinned to the underside (back and sides.) Also, she had her hairdresser trim and shape her wigs. It really works.
    Sorry about the cold. It has been colder then normal in the Bay Area also. Got out my hats too.
    Best wishes,


    What sort of hat are you wearing, Lisa? I found a trilby recently, which would look very fetching. :)

    Shame about the cold, though. xx


    Now that I’m wearing the chemo badge of honor (hat over bald head), its funny to notice the second glances and double takes I get from people when I go out. I’m used to it because I’ve had this cancer for over 2 years, but when you look like you have cancer, people notice. I think they are compassionate and don’t know what to say, and that is fine. I’m not looking for pity. But there is this little imp inside of me that enjoys the double takes!

    It’s cold without hair!

    I’m lucky that my head is a reasonable shape, but I currently look like Glenn Beck’s older sister :(


    A buzz cut is very liberating!


    I graduated with an A+ from Nagging 101.
    Kris wouldn’t that be something and such an easy and inexpensive way teach people who we are???? I don’t even know if its been tried before. I would buzz my head, I might look younger then!!!

    Lainy wrote:
    P.S. Could even put us in the Guiness World Book of Records!

    If you find out how many it would take and if we got near that number, you could count me and Hans in (yeah, I havent asked him, but I have found nagging is an artform)



    You are very brave. I completely understand about being bald as the sign of cancer and the worry people will treat you different. I guess I am the chicken because I hang onto my hair like it is the last bar of chocolate in the world.

    I saw a bald woman about 2 weeks ago and she looked so glamorous. Stunning actually.I bet you look the same. If I knew I would look like that, I would shave my head too. But with my luck, I would have a melon head.

    Stay strong and be proud.



    P.S. Could even put us in the Guiness World Book of Records!


    You go girl! You always see the brighter side. I just had the craziest thought. What if we ALL did the buzz. All of us from all over the world on the same day and call it A Buzz for CC! Wouldn’t that draw some attention to our cause?????


    Thank you all for your kind words.

    It is actually kind of liberating to face the worst and find out that it is not so bad, and that you can actually conquer your fear.

    Hair seems like a trivial thing, but losing it is such a symbol of cancer that I feared losing my hair. Yet now that it has happened, I find there is nothing to fear. I look kind of funny, but I’m still me whether I have hair or not.


    Hi Lisa,

    I bet you look great with your buzz cut – I have you pitched somewhere between Superwoman and Lara Croft – quite remarkable!

    Best Wishes, Val


    Lisa ….you rock!

    You remind me of my favorite t-shirt that says: FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!

    You are in my thoughts and prayers!

    Much love and many hugs!



    Wow!! Sounds great (& there’s nothing wrong with the 50s – I was born in that decade :D)

    I love your attitude, Lisa & am looking forward to you posting a photo :)

    Julia x

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