Amended Clinical Trial bill

Discussion Board Forums Clinical Trials Amended Clinical Trial bill

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  • #33738

    Here is a list of states that have passed a clinical trial amendment for their state:

    I hope it becomes federal law.


    Wonderful amendment. I hope it passes.


    Action Needed on Important Health Care Reform Amendment Contact Your United States SenatorsTake Action!

    Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) have introduced an amendment to the Senate health care reform bill that would require insurance companies to pay for the routine costs associated with participation in clinical trials.

    There are numerous reasons why patients do not enroll in clinical trials but one of the most significant is due to lack of insurance coverage for the costs associated with their participation. This amendment will allow patients to enroll in clinical trials with the assurance that all costs associated will be covered.

    please contact your two United States Senators and ask them to support the Brown – Hutchison clinical trials amendment.

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