my dad was diagnosed klatskins tumour

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion my dad was diagnosed klatskins tumour

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    Welcome to the board. My Dad also had a Klatskin tumour but he didn’t have chemo so I’m sorry cannot help you with that.

    Wishing you peace and strength on the journey you will take with your Dad’s treatment.

    Good Luck with your exams,




    My dad couldn’t get chemo as his bilirubin levels were too high when they were considering it, so I can’t help you with that one.

    I agree with what Lainy, Marion and Bazel have said about your exams. Try to study for them as best you can then come back fighting for your dad once your exams are done.

    Best wishes



    thanks very very mush for supporting me

    i will try to study.Ive 7 days before r right….
    ill miss you sometime….

    thx alot



    I want to echo what Lainy and Marion have said as well.

    First and foremost your dad had a major surgery that he needs to recover from. This will take some time. Be alert to infection and focus on rest and rebuilding strength. Use this time to concentrate on your studies and exams.

    Once dad is recovered from surgery and your exams are complete move forward with a care plan for dad. You have the tools and the knowledge you need to be your dad


    Amr….on this board we have seen people receiving chemotherapy and they have done well. Some even have had a resections after their treatments. But, first and foremost your Dad needs to recuperate and you need to complete your exams. Therefore, for the next few days I would let things just happen because, there is nothing you can do other than wait for your Dad’s billibrubin to be at an acceptable level and that can take some time. The best you can do now personally is to focus on the importance of your studies. After the completion of the exams your Dad will feel better too and then all other discussions can move forward.
    I am thinking of you and sending all my best wishes,


    Oh, I feel so bad about your exams. You can do it!!!
    I have never heard that the bilirubin had to be below 1.5 for chemo.
    Amr, I think we have all forgotten the biggest fact and that is Prayer! Also I am sure if your father knew what you are going through he would feel much worse knowing that he caused you not to study for exams. You have come to far not to study and make him proud. You can do it! Attitude and fortitude.


    everything around me becomes dark

    another oncologist told me about the little effects of chemo in my case.
    and he said we will wait till bilirubin comes below 1.5mg/dl
    and then we will take the decision about chemo… regarding to labs &vital signs
    plz tell me something good about chemo.
    i have exams theese days and i cant study anything…oooh
    i cant say any thing except
    thx God

    ill beat myself!!


    Hi Amr,

    My dad, like Marion’s husband also had bouts of chills. He would get them and he would just shake and shiver until they went away. They would just come and and then go as quickly as they had come on. But when he had them, they wouldn’t last for too long and it was just something that we got used to dealing with.

    Stay strong, stay positive and don’t give up the fight.

    Best wishes



    Amr….your Dad just underwent an operation which may have weakened him substantially. He needs to revover. If indeed his cancer is at stage II then there is still much hope.
    Be strong and continue to reach out. Support is coming your way.


    Amr….stool softeners are very important. You can read up on it in previous postings by using the search function on top of the page. Dyschazia is not usually reported with this disease other than when it is caused by constipation due to pain medication. It can be solved. We have had several reports of chills including, my husband. Has an infecion been ruled out? Stents are notorious for causing infections. I have also learned that chills can be caused by cancer invasion of nerve endings however, the episodes should be short in duration. Have you checked your Dad’s temperature?
    Best wishes,


    my dad doesnt know any thing aboout failure of resection
    i told him it was resected but there is a small piece persist on portal vein
    so we will continue on chemo. hoping resection after shrinking.

    i am so tired but my god support me


    thx u all
    total bilirubin today 3.4 mg/dl
    but there r new complaints : chills,dyschazia(difficult defecation with sever pain),postural hypotension

    i am very sad about my dad ,i cant help him.he always ask me about what happening, the answer dont worry dad.


    Hi Amr,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. My dad was diagnosed in summer 2008 and his CC was deemed inoperable from the start. I also agree with what the others have said about getting another opinion.

    I can’t help you with the chemo questions as my dad never had chemo. His main treatment was PDT so if you use the search function you can look for some of my posts on that. If you have any questions about my dads PDT treatment then please ask and I will help if I can. He also had a metal stent inserted to help with his jaundice.

    I hope you keep coming back here as you will get tons of support and help from us all.

    Best wishes



    thx Marion,Devocat

    ill take another opinion today


    Welcome to the site! And like others, please try to get a second opinion. Chemo does get some great results for some, not so good with others. You dont know which group your father will fall into, so you might as well give it a go. MAny people have no or little side effects on chemo.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Best of luck.

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