The Oncologist Visit – Teddy & Lainy

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    Thinking of you both & sending loads of positive vibes, Lainy.

    Love Julia x


    Hi Lainy,

    Thanks for the update on the two of you. I am looking forward to hearing positive news from your next dual meeting in March and know,that as always, I am thinking of you both.

    My best wishes to you and Teddy.




    We’ll all be waiting to hear from you. You and Teddy take care & know that I am thinking of you.



    Well Lainy, when they figure out what’s happening with Teddy let me know. Maybe Tom’s is the same thing. What craziness-ecspecially for you!! I can’t imagine both going through this at the same time. It sounds like you have excellent Drs. as Kris said!! Take care of yourselves!! Mary


    Ohhhh, you peeked! Funny you should say that as when I get in a complaint mode I always say, it’s a good thing he is still so cute!


    I am glad your doctor recognised the brillance which is this board. We like our scans here. And about the cancer dance….good thing you have a cute partner.

    Take care.


    Not an earth shattering visit. This month T CA19 went from 233 in November to 375 now. The bilirubin was extremely low which leads me to believe T & Tom are neck and neck in what is happening to them. No B.R. yet an increase in CA19. I asked the ONC for a CT and he is ordering it. I told him if for no other reason than to satisfy us that it is scar tissue. He also said that everyone on this Board is so smart because of what they said about PET vs CT. So, the MRI, then the stent exchange for the right ureter at the end of the month.
    For me he said I am still bloated from my surgery Oct 1st and is ordering a CT for February. Then I will have a CT twice a year. Next dual visit for us March.
    Funny, when we get called up to the desk to check in, people stare because who ever saw a “couple” doing their own “Cancer Dance”. Who cares what you dance to as long as you dance to the same music.

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