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    I am so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain. My mom passed September 13, 2009. Her battle started in the fall of 2006. It is hard to believe that we don’t have dr visits to still go to. It is such a strange feeling to not have to prepare for a ct/pet scan. I can still feel the anxiety before each one. I miss my mom every day. We are here for you.

    Love, Amy


    Thank You all for your support. I myself feel for your loss or ongoing battle with CC. My mom’s birthday was Jan.18, even gone I know she is still with me.
    Again thank you for your support., and remember never give up.


    I am so sorry for your loss. I am so very grateful we have this site to share and learn and just be with each other in our time of need. I wish none of us had to be here but am glad we all have each other. There is unity in numbers and you are never alone here!

    Thinking of you and all of those that have lost someone to cc…


    I’m so sorry to read of your loss, Mom/Grandma. You are in my thoughts & I send my very best wishes to you & your family.



    I am so so sorry to hear about the loss of your mum. This horrible, horrible disease. Your beautiful mum, you were so good to her during her illness. What comfort this would have been to her. I know that the presence of Jim’s children (and me) throughout his illness and in particular during the last days gave him such peace.

    I hope that your wonderful memories of your mum give you some comfort.

    Thinking of you,



    I am sorry to hear of your loss. Having lost my dad to CC about a month ago I know the pain you feel right now. I know there is nothing that I can say to you right now that will help ease your pain, but please think of all the many good times that you shared with your mum and think of all the good memories that you have.

    And yes I do agree also that others should never give up the fight and that there is always hope.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.



    I too am so sorry for your loss and know that no words can easy the pain. Try to replace the pain in your heart with fond memories. Your Mom is no longer suffering and is now in a better place and will live on forever in your heart & memories. She will always be with you, until you meet again.

    I do agree, for those still fighting, don’t give up. There is always hope.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you & your family.



    We are so very sorry on the passing of your Mother. She must have been a very brave woman and fought a good battle. You know that Mother’s never really leave their children and someday soon you will see signs that she is still around watching over you. I am sure she was proud of you and ever grateful for your just being there. Our prayers and thoughts go out to you and you family.


    I am sorry for your loss and know all too well your feelings of frustration over doctors who, frankly, know little of this disease and expect an apology and a pat on the head to be an adequate substitute for actually practicing medicine.


    To all who have lost there loved ones. I lost my mom Sept. 09 who was also diagnosed with cc in just March 09. They had wanted to call in hopice then, because of it’s rarity, but no way would I let them. We searched everywhere. The rare treatment of Cyberknife near Atlanta became the only opp. which gave us 6 extra months.
    Don’t let the unknown Doctors who have never heard of cc tell that there is nothing they can do and just give up. Yes there is always hope, even if for only for 6 ?? months.
    I did not let them no hope people tell my mother. She would have given up then. Yes there is some hope, if only for a littlewhile. This is a fast form of cancer true, but they come up with new technoligy everyday. Oh how I wish sooner, but to those who are still here pray.
    My mom was strong, hopeful, a loving mom, grandma, wife and was never a quitter. Until late August, she went to those doctors who didn,t have a clue about cc. It was then that they told her there was no hope and seriously told her to just go home. Because of there ignorance, I lost her less than a month later.
    Since, there is no day that goes by that I don’t think of her, even to the extint of calling for help. Then to remember she is gone. I miss her more than my own life. Selfish, no. Mad yes.
    Never let the doctors tell any of you that are caregivers or have cc, a daughter, son,wife/husband that there is no hope. Lets just keep praying for that new technoligy. A way that they can detect it sooner. Anything.
    My moms battle is over, but I will keep everyone in my prayers for that hope.
    To the ones that have already lost, my heart goes to you. The saddest words in the vocabulary(if ony, or what if) I think of those words everyday.
    The pain for her is now over, but the pain in my and I am sure your hearts will last until we see them again.
    For the ones still fighting the battle don’t give up.

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