Some Good info

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  • #34984

    Hi Don,

    Welcome to the site, and thank you for sharing this good news with us all. It is always good to hear such good news stories, and I hope the good news continues for you.

    My best wishes to you and your family,



    Don….welcome and a very big thank you for sharing the information about your successful transplant and the donor site. This may encourage others to sign up.


    Wow, Don, congratulations on being a SURVIVOR and welcome to our Family.
    We live in Phoenix and that is a wonderful thing to hear. Keep up your fabulous recovery and please keep us posted.


    I was transplanted by this wonderful Man on 11-05-09 I had CCA and PSC…

    Dr. David Mulligan, is the Director of the Transplant Center and Chief of Transplant surgery at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, he gives a overview of the disease Cholangiocarcinoma, also known as bile duct cancer.
    This week he transplanted a women that my wife and I lived with at the transplant house….The husband and she had been waiting seven months! We will forever be Friends with them….Why? Because we need to keep getting the word out about the donate life program and asking friends to sign their friends up! No one should be put through this!

    I’ve always posted the California site, because we live in district 5 with UNOS and received my transplant through the Mayo clinic….But since we’ve heard from alot of “Outa Stater’s”
    Here is the national site. It’s easy to do on line… It takes 5 min.

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