Good By from ASCO Florida

Discussion Board Forums Announcements Good By from ASCO Florida

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  • #35011

    Thanks Lainy….this time I am flying to Denver first. Hoping for decent weather. Talk to you soon.


    Hi Marion and once again we thank you to the NTH degree! Or like the kids say a gazillion thanks. Have a good trip home.


    Hi Marion,

    It sounds like you had a great conference, and as always, thank you so much for all your efforts and for letting us know what happened there. I am also very glad that your presence there was most welcomed and was also highly anticipated. Like you, I hope that this site can and will have a global reach and can help all of us, both patients and carers and all of those touched by CC.

    Thank you so much, and as always, my very best wishes to you,



    The GI ASCO is coming to an end today.
    As always, it has been a great experience. Foremost I am happy to see that our presence at conferences is always welcome and in some instances even highly anticipated. This was expressed in the many conversations I engaged with the physicians located in the US and those physicians from abroad. Our site is destined to have global reach and impact and certainly, we are well on our way of achieving this goal. Much can be attributed to the discussion group and the very special members on our site who consistently welcome those newly joining and those of you actively engaging in discussions with each other. My wish is for any patient touched by this cancer indiscriminately of where he or she resides, is to become a member of the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation. This cancer in comparison to some of the better-known cancers such as, breast, or prostrate, etc. is severely lacking in the area of support, understanding, and published information; all things of high importance and readily and plentifully available to patients with one of the cancer of high occurrence. All of us are too well aware of the fact Cholangiocarcinnoma has an enormous impact on our life and that potentially, it can be a very lonely and frightening experience. Thanks to all, we have come a long way.
    I will now pack my bags and ready myself for the flight to rainy California.
    Best to all,
    I am also enclosing something of interest to some and something to possibly discuss with your physician regarding cachexia.

    Thalidomide vs. thalidomide with olanziapine and megadtrol acetate in threatment of chaexia in gastrointestinal cancer. A randomized trial.
    S.C. Sanchetee, Rajastan Cancer Cure Hopital, Jodhpur, India

    Conclusion: Thalidomide with olanzapine and megestrol acetate.

    This study demonstrated the effectiveness and was well tolerated by patients experiencing loss of with and lean body mass due to chachexia (weight loss) due to advanced gastrointestinal cancer. Also it provided better quality of life in terminal stage.

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