my mom is a miracle even the docs all agree

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  • #35516

    Such a lot you and your Mom have been through! She is indeed a miracle…thank you so much for sharing her story. My Dad just completed the surgical part of his journey, so it is very encouraging to read of such successes.
    I wish strength, health, and continued success!

    Best wishes,


    rutherford…. I would like to echo Lainy and Gavin in welcoming you. Your Mom’s story is different than most others therefore, thank you for sharing. This information does not only help us understand the various ways CC can be detected but, as said before, it also is encouraging to see that bumps in the road can be overcome. Also, this is one more occasion where tumor markers were not elevated something, which appears to occur in those patients lacking the Lewis antigen (a blood type protein.)
    I am wishing for continued success for your Mom and that her strengths returns real soon.
    Best wishes,


    Hi Rutherford,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. What a story you tell and thank you so much for sharing it with us all! I hope that your mums tests continue to show great improvement and that her strength and weight also keep increasing. I look forward to hearing more good news from you.

    Please keep coming back here as you will get a load of support and help from us all and keep us all updated on your mums progress.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    What a wonderful story, so happy for your mom! The liver enzyme tests were what showed that my husband Tom had something wrong too. That goodness for those tests. I think everyone should have those liver enzymes tested as a matter of routine! Tom was also on a cholesteral lowering drug and because of that he had his liver function tests done every three months. Without them they would have not known that something was wrong and it would have been many months before he was diagnosed.

    Prayers coming your mom’s way from Wisconsin!
    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.



    Welcome to our Family and what a wonderful story!!! Miracles do happen and more often than not, lately. What a great day it is to hear a story like your mom’s. Thank you for sharing that on our Board and please keep us posted of her progress. Also please relate to her that we think she is AWESOME!


    My mom was diagnose in 2007 she was caught very early. She had started meds for cholesteral, they did the liver enzyme check up and noticed they were elevated was told to go off the meds. that a small percent of people get elevated liver enzymes from it. a few months they rechecked even higher, lot more test after a brushing found cancer. to this day she has never had any tumor markers all 0. She had a roux en y. no chemo or radiation her liver is intact. (only in the main bile duct) last year enzymes started going up and down more test found where they did the roux en y she developed scar tissue, so they inserted ptc tubes to stretch the scar tissue. They upsized every 2 weeks then the largest one changed twice every 2 months. durning the ptc change she got a liver abcess that went into sepsis shock. when we got her to the hospital they could not read her bilirubin the computer could not register that high when she got to the hospital where her liver spec. was they had a reading of 51 not 5.1, 51 she was in icu for 17 days, in the hospital 2 months. she went through the liver abcess being suctioned out and developing a large bleed they went to try to take care of the bleed but as they injected contrast dye her vitals became normal and could not find anymore bleeding. she also went trough kidney failure and was on dialysis for 2 months. Kidneys are working normaly now. she has also been a type 1 diabetic for 20 yrs now. Every test now are showing great improvements and ptc tubes are gone she is week and having a hard time gaining her weight but showing improvement every day. Just wanted to share her story to incourage others and also look on the brighter side of things miracles do happen.

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