Visit to Imperial College, London UK

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    Thank you, Marion.

    I am hoping to hear some positive results …

    Best regards



    Helen….I am looking forward to receiving your report. Regarding multiple occurences of CC within families: On this board, we have seen very few (no more than 3 or 4.) At this point, I have not seen any current US studies demonstrating a possible, genetic link to this cancer.
    Regarding repeated studies: Unfortunately, much has been duplicated. I believe it to be part of how research is conducted.
    I am looking forward to hearing about any new developments coming our way.
    Best wishes,


    Thanks Kris and Gavin!

    We’re really interested to know what more they are finding out about genetic implications and how that might impact on families where cc has appeared.

    Does anyone know of families where cc has appeared in more than one member?

    The previous research at Imperial has shown that there are also environmental toxin implications (but really no surprise there, I guess, and could be one of the reasons why the incidence of cc is increasing). And one of the main branches of the research they are undertaking presently is to find ways of diagnosing much earlier.

    I know there is a system for sharing research results in Europe so that work doesn’t get needlessly repeated but I would like to know if there is any reciprocal arrangement with the USA – so that’s something else I will try to find out.

    I am really looking forward to this update, and will certainly let you know about the progress they are making.

    With love and positive thoughts for everyone.

    Helen x



    Hi Helen,

    Thank you for this and for all the work that you are doing. Just like Kris, this goes over my head! But it sure does sound like a packed morning for you! I am very much looking forward to hearing your update and what you find out.

    Best wishes and thank you once again,



    No questions as it is all very over my head but I did want to say as a patient how much I appreciate everything your foundation does. Thank you



    Professor Simon Taylor Robinson and Dr Shahid Khan from Imperial College have invited myself and another of AMMF’s trustees, Harry Corrigan, to make a private visit to Imperial College and their laboratories on 12th March for an update on the cholangiocarcinoma research they are carrying out, which AMMF has been one of the financial supporters of over the past few years.

    They have very kindly organised presentations of their research updates for us as follows:

    Proteomic Studies in Cholangiocarcinoma – Shahid A Khan
    Genetic Studies in Cholangiocarcinoma – Chris Wadsworth
    Metabonomic Profiling in Liver Cancer – Mohamed Shariff
    MR Microcoil Studies in Cholangiocarcinoma – Chris Wadsworth

    Followed by a tour of the laboratories and then lunch – it’s going to be a packed morning!

    Both Simon Taylor Robinson and Shahid Khan are also clinical consultants with (obviously!) a deep interest in cc.

    If anyone has any questions they would like me to put to the team at Imperial, I would be very happy to do so and report back.

    Otherwise I will post an update after the visit and let you know what we find out.

    With love and positive thoughts for everyone


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