Father diagnosed with stage IV cc/ a few questions

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    RishelleScott…..I agree with rwpavocat, fever and jaundice are serious signs and can be caused by biliary blockage. Not sure how this can be overlooked by the physicians. Granted, fever can be related to an infection, but that does not explain the jaundice. Your father urgently needs to be seen by a physician familiar with this cancer.


    My husband has had stents since june with 2 replacements. What you describe with indigestion, fullness, and feeling better when not eating is bang on when there is an obstruction of the bile duct. If stents are working well this goes away almost completely and my husband has benefitted from this thank goodness. If after stent placement you dont have relief within a few days let your gastroenterologist/physician know. All the best and hope you get relief soon.


    Dear Rishelle, welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. We all understand the nightmare and the roller coaster ride. CC is NOT a household word! Know that by bringing him to MDA and to you, you have done the best ever you could for Dad. I don’t know how long he has had stents but they do get infected and need to be changed every 2 – 3 months. My husband used to get them changed about every 6 weeks. The infection is a blood infection and once the ONX would give Teddy an IV of Levaquin it cleared up very quickly. He would get a high fever and the chills so bad that I had to take him in to ER each time. Please let Dr. Javle know about Dad not wanting to eat and how much it seems to disturb him. Because this CC is still so rare the DOCS must be advised when anything seems amiss. Also, below is a site you may find helpful. Please keep us in your loop on how Dad is doing as we truly care.



    Hello all,

    My Father was diagnosed with stage IV Cholangiocarcinoma in September. He has a Klatskin tumor and it has spread to his lungs. It has been nothing short of a nightmare roller coaster ride, as I’m sure you all well understand. He lives in Eastern Oregon but I live 10 minutes from MD Anderson, so he came down and was able to meet with Dr. Javle. However, the area where he lives is not very familiar with this cancer. He is receiving his first chemo treatment today, 2 months after his initial diagnoses.

    Anyway, trying to make a long story shorter. He is very healthy aside from the cancer and once they placed the stent he felt great other than a little indigestion when he ate. The indigestion seems to have increased a lot and he is very careful about what he eats, and if he doesn’t eat he feels really good. He has trouble eating any protein or fat. Also, he started running a fever and getting jaundiced, so they put him on antibiotics. Have others had this issue with eating even after the stent? Or could it be a problem with the stent?

    I appreciate any experience others might have to share.

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