Family walking in Half Marathon in NH to Raise Money April 11th

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    I want to thank all of you for your very kind words. We are doing AWESOME in our fund raising efforts! Our donations have exceeded $4500 and we are still 3 weeks away!

    I will make sure I keep folks posted on how the race goes and share some pictures! My brother made a offer to his co-workers that whoever donated the most money (min$500), he would wear whatever them wanted him to on race day! (with the understanding that he has to wear clothes and sneakers). That should be interesting and surely would have made my dad laugh.

    What was most difficult at the beginning of all this was the lack of support. My father found out about the cancer at the end of September, just before breast cancer awareness month. Please don’t get me wrong, this is a very worthy cause and I support it, we just felt lost that there was no “group” we could turn to that had the same cancer. I was “lucky” enough to learn that two people I do business with also lost parents to this type of cancer. The stories were the same and I felt some sense of understanding and support that they know exactly what I was going through!

    Best wishes to you all and I am dedicated on getting the word out!


    Dear NTWINE Welcome to our wonderful Family. That is a beautiful story about your Father and he must have been very proud of you. What a great way to honor him by running. You are spot on about CC being hushed, hushed. A few years ago I collected 35 heartfelt letters from members on our Site here, mailed them 2 twice to the Oprah Show, Ellen DeGeneres, CNN news, and a few more and never heard from a soul. Good news though, we are having on Face Book a become a FAN of Cholangiocarcinoma sign up and are over 1500, hoping to get 2500 by the end of March so that Rick has to shave his beard and dress like a Pin-Up girl! At least our name is getting out there. Please let us know how the run goes and best of luck to you and your family!


    Hi Ntwine,

    Welcome to the site but I am sorry that you had to come here. And thank you for sharing you and your fathers journey with us all. Yes you are right in that it is so hard to watch a loved one go through this. My dad was diagnosed with inoperable CC in the summer of 2008 and passed in December of last year.

    I can so relate to your experiences with your dad as you explored all treatment options through to the last days when he was worrying about you and your family. We went through excatly the same situation as each treatment was ruled out one by one through to dad in the hospice worrying more about my mum than himself. I guess that that is what good dads do, they worry more about those that they leave behind than themselves.

    What a great way to honour your father and at the same time, to raise awareness of this little known cancer. I wish you every success with this.

    My best wishes to you and your father,



    Dear ntwine..

    Thank you for sharing the story of your dear Dad. I believe for anyone touched by this cancer deserves a special place in our hearts. It now includes your Dad as well.

    I thank you for raising awareness for a cancer not well understood and little researched. You will make a difference for that one day the disease of Cholangiocarcinoma receives the recognition and attention similar to those of the well known cancers. We are well on our way but, much work is yet to be done.

    The Cholangiocarcinoma fully supports you in your endeavor. We will gladly mail to you our brochure and our popular wristbands. I welcome your response.

    My heart is with you and your family,


    My father of Brentwood, NH was diagnosis with Cholangiocarcinoma (Bile Duct Cancer) in September of 2008 at the age of 55. Even as a scientist working in the field of oncology, I knew little about this form of cancer. At the moment of diagnosis, my father prepared our family for the journey we would face. When all treatment options were explored, my father prepared to live out the rest of his 9 months with us creating memories my family will never forget. When I asked my father what he wanted to do with his time left, I told him I would do anything for him; take the whole family on a trip to Hawaii, anything. His reply to me was that he wanted to marry my mother all over again. And that is exactly what we did.

    For those that have experienced the lost of a loved one from cancer, can understand the difficultly I faced as I watched my strong father physically lose all that I knew that was him. Up until the last days of his life he continued to worry about his little family and how we would be after he was gone. He prepared all of us the best he could.

    He was a loving husband, father of three, grandfather of four. Little research is being done for this type of cancer because of the low incidence rate. There are no big fund raisers to support this research, no telethons, no runs to support the person with this rare cancer, their family or friends. We found information and support from one foundation, The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation.

    Now that my father has past, I am on a journey. My life was pretty much on hold during my father

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