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  • #36956

    A very big WELCOME to this wonderful site from me, too, Tina. I’m sorry I cannot help with the issues you’re coping with – other than to echo Pam’s Number One Rule – but I want you to know you will always find friends here. This is a wonderfully caring & supportive family & we are here for you.

    Please take care of yourself.

    Julia x


    Dear Tina,

    I echo what Janet (Magic) has said regarding the medications.

    I also want to tell you the number one rule for caregivers is: YOU HAVE TO FIRST TAKE CARE OF THE CAREGIVER!!!

    I’ll be praying that you find a good support system for you, your family and your husband.

    Take care and please keep in touch with us. We are all here for you!



    Tina,you need to have very good psychiatric support for your husband and he really needs to be on the right medications because your fears are quite reasonable and there are a lot of triggers here that could worsen his bipolar condition.There is also the possibility that his denial could be a delusion.It makes everything so much harder when there is a mental health problem.You need good carer support for both conditions.
    I myself was in an unenviable position last year when my husband died and my son who has bipolar became manic .We were between psychiatrists at the time and that made things worse!
    Good luck with everything Janet


    Thank you, Lainy, I sent it to him!


    Dear Tina, welcome to our wonderful family. If you go to the top of the page under Patient Support we have a Dr. Giles who is a Psychologist and quite wonderful. You might want to send a copy of your Post to him and see what he says. I feel so bad for you as being a Care Taker to a loved one with CC is hard enough with out adding the rest of the stress. Wish I could be of more help but this is non chartered territory for me. Please take care of yourself and keep us posted.


    My Husband was diagnosed in June ’09 with cholangiocarcinoma that is unresectable, at that time he was told that his prognosis was 9-12 months. He completed chemo (gemzar and cisplatin) in the fall and a CT was completed at that time (Dec), which his Oncologist had stated that he was staying with his same prognosis, however they may have bought him a couple of months. Chemo (5FU) and radiation were completed earlier this year. They tell us that the radiation continues to work for approximately 2 months after treatment is complete, therefore we expect a CT to be scheduled approximately the beginning of May. Meanwhile, I have had numerous family members (including his parents) and friends approach me to say congratulations that my husband had told them that he is not dying and/or that he has 5-7 years to live. We have 4 daughters and they have also heard him tell these tales. I have told them that he is in denial and that I will keep them posted. As for his parents, I had called his mother to let her know that he is taking a couple vicodin over his morphine every day and that he was in denial. She got very upset with me that he would tell his family members a lie, I tried to explain that as long as he was taking his meds and living a quality of life that him being in denial was fine and that he would accept it in his own time. My concern is that today is 9 months and it’s been months that he’s been in denial, recently he even tried to tell me this also. I have been with him to every appt, no one has told him this. Several years ago he was also diagnosed with Bi-Polar and Narcissism and he has been violent. The anxiety I fear is that anger and mania may coincide. He recently had a dream and woke up strangling me, these are his words that he told our 2 youngest daughters and myself, I actually slept through it. I sleep on the couch now and he continues to work 12 hour days 6 days a week. Not sure what to do or what to expect, please help!

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