Embolization experiences (or other pallative options for large tumors)

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Embolization experiences (or other pallative options for large tumors)

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  • #13769

    Hi there!

    Stacie is correct, I’ve had 2 successful embollizations, ithe details are lot to write down, but feel free to email me at audiodoc10@aol.com if you want to talk some more about them.

    God bless!



    Tricia had a very good result from chemo embolization and I believe her tumor was bigger than yours. She is in Utah right now, so hopefully she will post when she gets back on Tuesday!




    my dad had RFA (radio frequency ablation) during the first op that he had, at the time they thought that the tumor could not be removed and did it ‘to protect the healthy part of the liver’ – at the time my dad did suffer some back pain, i don’t remember it helping ease the pain, when my dad had a ct after the RFA it show that the RFA had killed alot of the cancer cells, however the second surgeon was critical of the RFA as he said it made his job harder to remove the tumor. However i don’t want to be too critical of something which could help you, reponses to treatment vary, at the time that my dad had the treatment he was very poorly and it was encouraging to see that the RFA killed off a large portion of the tumor.

    i hope this helps, best wishes




    As noted in my previous topic, I am on the clinical trial for Sorafenib to treat Stage 4 CC. Right now one of my biggest issues/problems is reference pain in my back which we believe is caused due to the size of my primary tumor in the liver (~6cm X 8cm). In one of my consultations at UCSF (not where I am being treated) the doctor had suggested that chemo embolization might be an option to help relieve symptoms related to the primary tumor size. My doctor here in Seattle has downplayed this option. Wondering if anyone has experience with embolization of a large tumor and whether it helped significantly reduce any reference type pains that I’m experiencing?

    Thanks! -Hans

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