My dad left me

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    I’m very sorry to hear about your father. I also just lost my 56yr old mother on April the 5th. She only fought for 4 months. I know how you feel, and I’m so sorry for your loss. E-mail me if you ever want to chat.


    Dear Matilda

    I’m so, so sorry to hear of your loss. I’m very glad you were able to be with him & that he was happy when you held his hand & kissed him. Hold onto your wonderful memories of your wonderful dad.

    My very best wishes to you at this very sad time.

    Julia x


    So sorry to hear of your loss. You were so strong for him. Condolences to you all.



    My sincerest sympathies on your loss of your Dad. How wonderful for you to be able to be with him in his last hours. Your Dad will always be with you in your heart and mind. Cherish those memories as they grow stronger and age to become a rare treasure.

    All my prayers,

    Linda Z.


    I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad and our thoughts are with you and your family at this time……….Gerry


    I am so very very sorry for your loss, and can only imagine how difficult things are for you right now. Keep your memories close to your heart, and know that he is with you every second of every day. There are many people all over the world who are thinking of you and have you, your family, and your beloved father in their prayers tonight.



    So sorry to hear of your loss. Your dad is still with you in your mind and your heart. Please read the post “Hello from Heaven” that I posted yesterday. It’s a wonderful poem, words of hope and comfort in time of loss. It was given to us by the funeral home when my husband’s sister passed a few weeks ago. I thought the it was fitting to post on this site.

    Never forget the wonderful times you had with your dad during his life. Those memories will always be with you.

    Go with God.



    Dear Matilda, we are so very sorry about your dad. I know you feel the loss so greatly but one of these days you will feel him all around you, just watch for the signs. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours.


    Dear Matilda,

    I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your dad. Please accept my sincere condolonces. I lost my dad last December so I can relate to the pain you are feeling right now and know what you mean when you say that this is a very sad moment in your life. And I so wish that there was something that I could say that would ease your pain right now. But please know that we are all here for you right now and for the future.

    My thoughts are with you and your family right now.


    Dear Matilda,

    I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved Dad, but I am so pleased that you were able to visit him in the hospice. I remember your fears….

    I think when the end comes so soon after diagnosis it is difficult to process, for me my Dad died 7 weeks after we found out he had cc.

    Your Dad will be with you forever, deep in your heart and your memories.

    Sending comfort to you,



    Dear Matilda,

    You have my greatest sympathy, condolences and understanding on the loss of you Dad. Nothing can be said to easy the pain, but know that he will always be with you in your heart and memories. And all of us will be here for you if you need us to talk, vent or whatever. Stick with us. We are a very supportive group.

    Love & Hugs,


    My dad passed away on April 20th in the hospice. I went to see him 1 week before he died and I kept his hands in mine for hours. I also kissed him a lot. He was very happy when I did this. He lost lots of weight but his hands remained the same as they used to be before he got the cholangiocarcinoma. His skin was very smooth. He was very sweet and listened classical music (his passion) until he went unconscious. I miss him very much. Sometimes I really want to see him and I feel very desperate because I know I won’t see him anymore.

    I am living a very sad moment of my life as I still cannot believe my dad is not with me anymore! I lost my dad in only three months. He was only 64 and full of energy. This is very sad.

    I thank all the people of the cholangiocarcinoma foundation who encouraged me during this hard time of my life.


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