Bob had his second in office treatment of gemzar yesterday and he is feeling really rough today. He also takes tarceva at home in tablet form. He told me he could not seem to get warm last night no matter what he did. This a.m. he had a fever of 102 and nausea. I gave him motrin and waited until his ativan kicked in and the fever backed off to feed him breakfast. (yeah it stayed down!) I made him a fruit and protein shake a little while ago and now he is resting. This is a bad rollercoaster ride if you ask me! I did call Doc’s office and was told to keep them informed, just in case we need to make a e.r. run. I sure hope not!
I am under the impression that the sweats and fevers are not all that uncommon with cc, is that right. If it is to be expected then when should I really worry?