Anesthesia after chemotherapy

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    Thanks for the link Kathy. It sounds like anesthesia is possible for the procedure but as you say I need to provide all the records. In addition, my oncologist decided it would be best for me to cancel today’s treatment in advance of the ERCP on Friday. So, I think I am all set. I’ll report back and close out the thread when I find out details from the anesthesiologist.



    Journal Course 2: Anesthetic implications for cancer chemotherapy:

    Sounds like an anesthesiologist needs the records of your chemo treatment.


    It seems like there isn’t much info out there about this. I’ve searched this site and elsewhere on the internet and cannot seem to find any publications about it. So, I suppose the plan is to call my chemo nurse on Tuesday AM and ask her then, since everything will be closed up for Memorial Day holiday on Monday.

    I was hoping someone here has some firsthand experience with this.



    Dont know about anestesia, but I do know that I had to quit chemo for a couple of weeks before my surgery because of low white blood counts and clotting issues. I know that an ercp is different, but they could nick you and infection is always an issue.

    Best of luck.


    Hi Rick,

    Sorry that I can’t help you with this, but have you tried the search forum function here? That may provide some answers to your question.

    Best wishes,



    I am wondering if I should have my chemo treatment this week cancelled because I have an ERCP on Friday and they will probably use a general anesthesia instead of sedation. My chemo treatment is scheduled on Tuesday and is a gemzar 3 weeks on/ 1 week off cycle with this being week #3. I also take Tarceva daily.

    I plan to call Mayo and ask them if it is ok to have my chemo this week and then have the anesthesia on Friday, but wanted to ask here if anyone has experience with this. Does the chemotherapy affect the anesthesia at all? I’m wondering if it makes the job harder or riskier to put me out since there are chemo drugs in my system. Anyone?


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