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    We will be praying for successful surgery for your mother Russ.



    Ok…they’re going to do the surgery. Well, it’s going to start as exploratory surgery and they’ll continue if it’s feasible. the doctors say it’s going to be an 8-hour surgery and they’ll remove her gall bladder as well as part of her liver. The docs say there’s a 25% chance that she won’t make it and she still needs to see the cardio guys to make sure she can put up with it.



    We are also from Maryland and my husband is getting his treatment at the National Naval Hospital in Bethesda. You can e-mail me at Hosk1226@comcast.net. Good luck!



    Russ, so very sorry to hear of your mother’s diagnosis. You may consider Johns Hopkins as a much closer option.


    Thanks for the advice everyone. I actually had my mom call and the doctors said they would refer her to Sloan Kettering or The Mayo Clinic if she was willing to make the journey. My father was retired military so, thank goodness, we don’t have medical bills to worry about on top of everything. We’re located in Maryland and she’s going to Walter Reed right now.


    Russ..definately get another opinion. My husband had bile duct surgery August 2006 as it was in his bile duct valve. He had a Whipple and at 74 is doing well. He too had jaundiced and they put a stent in until surgery. Do not know where you are located but there are other choices. Please seek another opinion. In coming to this Board you came to a good place. Good luck Lainy


    Russ…PS –

    If there are no local oncologists you could get a second opinion from, perhaps you could check online (such as…MD Anderson, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Stanford Hospital) and contact them to find out how you can go about getting a second opinion.

    I am new to this disease myself (my mom was just diagnosed a few months ago), but I do think second (even third) opinions are important, so hopefully you’ll be able to do that.

    Take care!



    I’m sorry to hear about your Mom and what you are going through.
    I would recommend getting a second opinion on your Mom’s situation if it’s possible for you to do that.

    Best wishes to you both.


    My name is Russ and my mother, 63, was just diagnosed with this disease. I have a feeling they’ve known this for a week or so and just hadn’t told her. The cancer is blocking both bile ducts now. About a week ago, a stent was placed in one of the bile ducts. Within three days, her eyes were yellow again. The oncology department won’t even see her because they say there is nothing that they can do for her. She was told that a surgeon would call her tomorrow, but the doctor she saw today said that surgery doesn’t seem like an option. They were unable to insert a new stent today for some reason.

    I just turned 30 on Friday. My father died a few years ago. I have no grandparents left. After my divorce, this woman took me back in her home and has supported me while I get back on my feet. She’s a great woman and I don’t want to face life without her.

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