A Positive Doctor

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  • #39017

    Hi Marion,

    This site has helped me remain positive so I hope that people who go on the Macmillan site seek it out too.

    I watched a programme last night about a little girl who’s suffering from a disease that ages her fast. She wasn’t supposed to still be here as they only gave her a few years when born. Through courage and determination and medical progress she is now at secondary school. One of the things she said last night put it into words about the so called experts.

    They said the Titanic was unsinkable!!

    Best wishes to you and your family


    Andie….thanks for all the great news about your dad. I wish for it to continue.
    Andie, I would also like to thank you for mentioning the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation on the McMillan site. We really appreciate it.
    Looking forward to receiving more good news about your Dad.
    Best wishes,


    Hi Andie,

    You say that your dad now enjoys everything, superb stuff indeed!! Let me guess, more cheese on toast, fish n’ chips and some good Sunday roast dinners with all the trimmings?? A curry perhaps as well?? Great to hear that your dad is back to his normal weight, and is he also snacking on munchies and stuff when watching the world cup???

    I too hope that the chemo doesn’t affect your dads appetite too much. And if it does, hopefully it will be for only a day or two at a time. Perhaps others with experience of chemo and appetite can offer up their experiences here?

    Best wishes to you Andie and happy eating to your dad!



    I had the very much the same experience with oncologists and others with different opinions. From my own experience as a transplant CC patient, I can tell you there somehow is a disconnect in the cancer community between oncologists and surgeons. My wife and I found it baffling that each specialty had absolutely no idea what the other was up to and what treatments that were available from each profession. Except when we found the Mayo CC protocol for liver transplant. (Insert smile here….)

    Has anyone else seen this or experienced this?

    Hope works the best. Just be stubborn about beating cancer and take one day at a time.


    Thank you all.

    Yes Gavin, he did enjoy his Cheese on Toast!! He now enjoys everything, he has gained a stone in weight so is back to his normal weight now, give or take a few pounds. I just hope the Chemo doesn’t alter his appetite too much.


    Hi Andie,

    Thanks for the update on your dad and I am very happy to hear that he has been seen by a good doctor. And I hope that the chemo goes well for your dad and it also good to hear that this new doctor will take a look at future CT scans of your dad. It does sound like your dad has a great, caring doctor in your corner now and I know how happy this will make you feel.

    It is also good to hear that your dad is feeling well, eating well and gaining weight, a healthy appetite is very good indeed! I know how much my dad loved his food and eating brought him great pleasure, as I am sure it does your dad! I seem to recall that when your dad came home from the hospital he enjoyed a load of cheese on toast? So long may the healthy appetite continue!

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    So glad that you have a doctor who is definitely on your side. He’s right, no one has the right to pluck a prognosis out of the air, especially before the treatment. Will your dad be having gem/cis? Stay positive, you’re making your dad so proud I’m sure.


    After reading about your Dad, I felt that I must write that others have been told the same bad news, but we are all fighters. I was told last July ’09 after I went to the doctor on the 7th and then on the 10th the doctor call me into his office and told me to go to see a Gastroentrologist and get a MRI for I only had 6 months to live. I had a stent put in the bile duct the last of July and was sent to an oncologist (radiation) and was told there was no cure, no remission, so I asked why should I go through radiation and he said it might give me a couple more months. Needless to say, I have not seen those two doctors, again, but I have seen several others since then. I went through chemo and radiation from Sept to Nov. and since then, I have had blood tests (my CA 19-9 is very high) every month and a scan every two months. And when they see that it has started to grow, again, they will start more chemo.
    This discussion board is great and you will get a lot of information here.
    No doctor or anyone knows when God is going to call us. So stay postive and enjoy each day and stay away from the negative ones.
    Have a good week.


    Good news all around, Andie. Glad Dad is feeling well and keeping active. I do believe staying postive is important.


    After a visit to an ignorant Oncologist on Wednesday who made us feel that there was no hope today we met with my Dads doctor who was completely opposite. He had originally inserted Dads stent and we talked about Dads biopsy results and our plan for the future. He thinks Dad has a real good chance of the Chemo working. Whilst it’s inoperable it’s been caught whilst small and is contained and hasn’t spread. When we told him the Oncoligist had given us 11 months tops he was livid. He said no one has a expiry date and no one has the right to give months as a prognosis. He said whilst the oncologist had probably never seen a CC case before he had seen many and long term survivors where out there. He did say if can be aggresive but at the same time if can be slow growing, it’s luck of the drawer which no one knows but keeping positive helps the body and mind and he is determined to do the best for my Dad. He also mentioned dad to have a low dose of antibiotics whiloe on Chemo to help fight infection, something we hadn’t been told Wednesday.

    Whilst the QE hospital is the main Liver Centre in our area Dad will have Chemo at the local hospital but as we are not happy with their attitude the doctor has agreed to see all Dads Ct scans and to discuss future treatments if needed. This has pleased us all and tonight I cried tears of hope for once.

    Dad continues to feel well, eat well, gain weight and do day to day activities. If we had listened to the first hospital he shouldn’t be here now as it’s been 4 months since he had CC symptons and that’s all they had given him!

    Best wishes to everyone and never give up hope

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