To Chemo or Not

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    Dear, dear Lainy & Teddy

    I’ve been offline for a while (my phone’s fine for accessing Facebook, but not for CCF unfortunately) & have only just read your update. I’m so sorry to hear of Teddy’s latest hurdle & the decisions you’ve had to make. I am always so gobsmacked by your wonderful, wonderful attitude, though, & send my love & best wishes for your trip to Milwaukee & the next stage in your journey together.

    Love Julia xx


    Hi Lainy,

    Glad to hear that Teddy has made his decision and that you are both happy with it. And also happy to hear that you are both feeling more relaxed now. Sounds like you have a lot of family get togethers and trips planned and I hope that you both enjoy them all!

    As to Teddy losing his balance a bit, my dad sort of did this as well sometimes and we put it down to his meds as he was taking quite a lot of pain meds over the day. Sometimes it happened when he was walking or getting out of bed but he got round it by just taking it easy when he was out and about. I know once that he fell when he got up out of his chair, but he had taken a sleeping tablet then decided to sit up and watch the football instead of going to bed!

    My best wishes to you and Teddy,




    I’m glad the decision has been made and that you are both comfortable with it. I so look forward to meeting both of you and also Margaret & Tom and any one else who cares to join us. I’m with you. I love it here and plan to be here for a long time. Without this forum and all the wonderful people on it I don’t know how I could have dealt with everything I have and am still going through. The support and love of everyone here has given me the strength to keep going.

    Love, Hugs & a big THANK YOU to all of you.



    Hi Isisman and thank you for your concern and thoughts. Everyone is different. From the very beginning we knew it could be months and it has been 5 years mostly feeling in good health. That in itself is a success story. Teddy was told at the onset that Chemo would not work for his type of CC and location. We heard this from 5 TOP DOCs. That was DX for Teddy, it doesn’t apply to anyone else. We would hope that if anything is taken from my posts it would be to have a good positive attitude. There are people on here who were given months and its been a couple of years for them and some did nothing but survive with their good attitudes. Teddy was now told up to a year. He is doing well as his discomfort at this point is under control with Ibuprofen. We have been very open from the beginning and have no fear of discussing any of it with each other. In the meantime we are living very normally. Going to a resort for 2 nights in Scottsdale AZ for our 16th Anniversary July 17th. His sister is visiting now and my brother is coming in for the resort fun. Then we take off to Milwaukee to see all the kidZ for 2 weeks. I am thinking one key is to plan goals. While in Milwaukee he is going to see his Surgeon to thank him for the past 5 years he gave Teddy. He is still our Miracle Man, we will live and have fun and his attitude is that at 78 and all he has been through he is peacefully ready for what ever comes. We don’t see it as devastating. We see it as being thankful for what time we had, for our family who all blended in to a second marriage like they were all born to both of us, to wonderful friends and to this Board who helped me deal with these last 4 years! I could not have done any of this without them…and know what? No one is getting me off any time soon! I LOVE it here!


    Lainy, I dont mean to be direct, but do they have a range of time that Teddy has left? Is it sooner than later? I know they don’t know, but your store has been devastating to me and a nightmare(CC is back and can’t be fixed) that so many people may still have to face. You were the inspiration and story tht everyone clung too and now we need to continue to look for sucess stories to carry others forward. You just never know, cause I spoke to someone who has beenliving with tumors in them for years and they don’t change, there could still be miracles happening among us. Have a great trip and I am inspired by your strength during this decision time and vision forward.


    Hi Lainy and Teddy,

    I’m glad you have come to a decision that suits both of you, and to feel uplifted and relaxed says a lot…..

    Enjoy planning your trip and catching up with friends old and new. Hope your meet goes well, I am in Florida on that date, if it was a bit nearer would love to have made the flight!! Maybe next time… :)



    Hello to all our CC family. Decision made today, NO chemo. The odds are not good enough for Teddy’s condition, to go through it. Immediately our spirits were lifted and we relaxed.
    Since we are going to Milwaukee and that is where he had his double Whipple he asked me to get hold of Dr. Henry and see if he would see us for a visit as Teddy wanted to thank him for giving him these 5 extra years. I sent an e mail and he wrote back that he will give Teddy any amount of time he wants. And he could use a golf lesson! What a man.
    Now we plan our trip. People to see, things to do. Life will be very busy now for Teddy as he has already started to get his “house” in order. I tell you he is just too cute the way he goes about things. Oh, I wanted to ask a question about something I have not seen on here. I noticed that when Teddy is standing/walking and turns around he is loosing his balance just a bit. Anyone ever have this? He makes excuses about it but I see it happening. We are getting excited about meeting Darla and Margaret. Wish more of you could join us.


    I agree with all the comments so far….it’s a difficult decision. Besides the physical side effects of chemo (tiredness & nausea) and the nagging doubt that chemo is not doing any good, I hated the idea of having a toxic chemical pumped into me for a perod of hours.

    No doubt you and Teddy will trash out the issues and come to the right decision.



    Hi Lainy,

    You are right in that this is a tough decision to make. But I do know that what ever Teddy decides to do about chemo or not, then it will be the right decision for him.

    Thinking of you both,



    It’s so hard to make these decisions. I started chemo last month, ended up in the hospital for a blocked stent, called and altogether stopped chemo, and now it looks like I’m going to restart chemo again this week. I once told my oncologist I thought he was wishy warshy about chemo and now I appear to be the same way.

    I would definitely take quality over bad quantity, but just maybe there can be quantity and actually pretty good quality. A lot of people on this site say Gem/cis did not have a lot of bad side effects. I think it’s the citsplat that is suppose to be harder on one. All of us are different though. My oncologist says I can stop anytime. I’m assuming Teddy would have that choice, too?

    I’ll say a prayer for you you and Teddy that God may help you with this decision.




    This is a tough one, quality over quantity. Whatever he decides, will be right for him. Know that I am thinking of the two of you as you navigate another rough spot in this journey. Take care.

    Love & Hugs,


    It is such a personal and tough decision. I can only add that I thought gemzar was so easy and I had it with cisplatin. From my memory, i think the side effects for me were tiredness and a lot of hair thinning. But how much of that was the cisplat?

    whatever Teddy decides will be the right decision for him. After 3 1/2 years since the start of my journey, I completely understand not wanting to do anything more. It is so tiring. The mental stress is sometimes unbearable.



    I have to start this update by saying this decision is the most agonizing one Teddy has had to make yet.
    The Oncologist today said he would like to see him take Gemzar.When we first
    met him he said no chemo would help.3 other top doctors have said no
    chemo.Then he said today the chemo would give him hope. Its 3 weeks of chemo one day a week then 1 week off. It would maybe prolong his life a couple of months. There are fewer side effects but there are side effects and at this point he is saying no.
    When one has been through as much as he has for 5 years sometimes the
    thought of another procedure is just too much. He does not feel he is giving
    up he feels he will have more quality time and he is absolutely not afraid.
    We have talked and talked, pros and cons and tomorrow we will read the
    material the nurse gave us and he will make a decision. The doctor remarked again that he sure looks good.n Stay tuned……..

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