Karl update: no treatment

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    Hi Minnie,

    Hoping that the doctors get on top of Karl’s infection and can do something about it very soon. Lets hope that he gets back to being the energiser bunny very soon!

    Best wishes to you and Karl,



    That is great, Betsey as I had forgotten about Teddy’s blood cultures.


    I have had recurring bacterial infections that were resistant to certain antibiotics. IV antibiotics helped me feel better right away but then I would back slide and the fever and chills would return until the right antibiotic was found. The hospital would do a blood culture or bile culture to see which antibiotics the bacteria had a sensitivity to. Hope this helps.



    Hi Minnie. Gee wiz, doesn’t Karl have anything better to do??? No, it’s not funny. Teddy used to get those infections and the doctors zapped it pretty quickly with Levequin (sp).


    Well, that didn’t last long. He spiked a 104 fever yesterday and is back in the hospital. He’s fine today, but this whatever infection keeps coming back like every two weeks. does anyone else have this experience?


    minnie…..after the roller coaster ride the two of you have endured I can understand how Karl just wants to enjoy and feel good. And, the closeness of family will do you good. Do you need help with finding a doctor in the L.A. area? Someone might be able to refer you to someone they trust. Also, you might want to make sure to have copies of all records including, blood tests, ct scans, doctor’s reports, etc. to take along. Generally, the new physician will request this however, it is best to carry your own copies also. Have fun in L.A.
    Best wishes,


    So sorry for the turn of events. When the Doctor told Teddy they could do no more somehow a certain peace settled in. Like no more running for tests and appointments. And at least we could work on what was to be and enter that time peacefully. The end of the month will soon be here and the energizer bunny should keep on ticking! He has a goal and that is to go with you to SO. Calif. and no one should make you “split hares”. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Teddy says we are on our Honeymoon and I hope you have one too!


    After my husband, Karl was scheduled for surgery, and then told it was too late for that the day before when they took a cat scan , the doctors wanted to do a procedure called PDT (photo dynamic therapy) which was scheduled for this week. Then 2 weeks ago,he got another infection called “C dif”( horrible diarehha). He couldn’t eat for days amd was going down hill so fast, he had to go back to the hospital for a few days. They got that under control and sent him home on a new drug called Remeron that is for mood and to make him hungry. I don’t know what’s in that stuff but he has been zooming around like the energizer bunny ever since and has decided not to do the PDT therapy but to just enjoy what he can and let this thing take it’s course. After cancelling the procedure, the doctors called and agreed that he made the right choice. I wonder what’s next!
    We are planning to go to So. Calif for the winter down by our family and leaving on the 31st. Have to find new doctors down there, but it will be worth it I hope. I feel kind of alone here in WA. i have good friends but our family is all down there. Hope we can make the trip as planned. Everyone says to go now but I run a business and can’t leave just yet.

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