What to do…

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! What to do…

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  • #39201

    Welcome to the CC family. 2nd opinoins are NEVER a waste of time. I would not hesitate to get a referral to Mayo Clinic. They are well versed in CC. If you have the fund to travel there and it’s in network for you, then by all means do it!

    Good luck and prayers are coming your husband’s way from Wisconsin.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer!
    Margaret (My husband and cholangiocarcinoma)


    I agree with Lainy, second opinions are always good. And WELCOME to the site.



    Dear Guimolm, welcome to our wonderful Family! I always feel that if you have any doubt in your mind get a second opinion. I practice “gut” medicine and I listen to my gut. It has not been wrong yet. It does not matter if you waste their time (Mayo) because in the end it could be saving your time. Please keep us posted.


    My 63 yr old husband, Al, was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma on February 5th, after not recovering from gall bladder sugery. The CT scan revealed a blockage in the common biliary duct, and it had also metastasized to the peritonium. Forgive any bad spelling. A stent was successfully inserted into the duct which gave him immediate relief, although now he is experiencing “spasms” in that area. No one seems to know what that is all about. Blood works ruled out pancreas and liver involvement, but didn’t find the cause of the spasms.
    His 2 CT scans since diagnosis showed a decrease in Cancer Cells since the original scan, and no new Cancer growth. So the doctor is suggesting he stop the treatment and “see what happens”. We are very excited about this, but also really scared. I’m thinking we should get a second opinion at the Mayo Clinic. Would we be wasting their time? Is this a good idea? W live in Maine by the way.

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