Any connection with stroke?

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    Just wanted to Update on the link sent some time ago by Marion. RE- Hyper coagulation of the blood

    Mum has now a large blood clot formed in her groin caused they say by the immobility after the stroke + tendency of the blood to clot easily probably due to the cancer.

    How much more for her to tolerate ?



    Sorry to hear about the stroke. My doc was very concerned with me today when I said that I had an episode of blurred vision yesterday. It was like looking through a shimmering waterfall on my left side. We are hoping it was not a mini-stroke but since it went away with no side effects we’re hoping that it was perhaps a migraine coming on.

    Hoping for the best for your mom.



    Glad to hear that your dad is feeling calmer today, but it is no wonder that he was so upset when your mums stroke happened, that would not have been easy to deal with. I remember when my mum had what we thought was a heart attack and how upset and scared my dad was when it was happening. Calling 999 and waiting for the ambulance whilst watching the pain my mum was in was very tough and it scared my dad a lot. Mum was rushed to hospital and it turned out that she had blod clots and it was not a heart attack. She spent 2 days in the heart ward before going up to ward 5 for 10 days, which is just across the corridor from the stroke ward I think in Ninewells.

    I can only imagine the disappointment that your dad must be feeling right now. Is your dad able to get down to the hospital with you to see your mum right now? I am hoping tonight that your mum has another comfortable night and that you can both get down to Ninewells to see her tomorrow.

    As you say, one day at a time right now. I will keep you, your mum and your dad in my thoughts right now.



    Thanks Gavin for your support,

    My Dad is much calmer today,he kind of lost the plot yesterday after struggling with her alone at home when it happened,and the disappointment that he would lose her to hospital again after only three days home.

    Mum has come through a comfortable night and has been scanned and transferred to ward 4(stroke) Ninewells. Stroke confirmed and left sided weakness/ loss of vision resulting.

    We have unfortunately walked this path before,but she was much stronger then,so progress may be slower than before.

    One day at a time from now on.




    I am very sorry indeed to hear the news of your mums stroke. I wish there was something that I could say that would help. As Marion has said, CC can move slowly sometimes and hopefully this will be the case with your mum. Please know that we are all here for you and thinking of you.

    Best wishes,



    My thoughts are with you, ScottsMum.

    Julia x


    ScottsMum…..Indeed, this has been a double, unfortunate, hit. At times, CC has shown to move slowly. Hopefully, this will be the case for your Mum. You have mentioned in your other post that she is regaining some of her movements. I wish for this to continue each day a bit more.
    My heart is with you and your family,


    Hello Marion

    Thanks for the link,it was interesting to read,but Mum’s not had any vein problems or phlebitis,although the two strokes now during the presumed course of her CC does make me wonder if there can be a connection.

    Why my poor Mum has to be so doubly afflicted just makes me so so sad.

    She is so much weaker now than 18 months ago when she had the first one ,and I doubt there is time to make a recovery before the CC begins to bite.

    My Dad so doesn’t want to lose her yet,but she is just about ready to give up the fight now.This second stroke will so affect her quality of life for the foreseeable future.



    Dear ScottsMum: I am so sorry to hear about the recent developments with your Mum. Regarding your previous questions re: strokes, I had posted the following:

    Trousseau sign of malignancy (blood clots)Adenocarcinomas of the pancreas and lung are associated with tendency to form blood clots (hypercoagulability)
    This cancer likes to throw curve balls. I am wishing for things to improve.
    Much love coming your way,


    Sad to report that My Mum took another stroke this morning after only three days at home.
    They are to CT scan her tomorrow to check if the symptoms are due to stroke or less likely Mets to the brain.

    We are holding our breath ,but her quality of life has gone down from managing at home with Dad to totally dependent overnight.




    Sometimes, I’ve seen on this Board, the doctors put a lot of weight on the patient’s age first before making decisions about treatment. If chemo and/or radiation were the only treatment recourse, the doctors may feel she would not be able to get through that. So it may not be that her CC is far advanced, just that they don’t have a treatment for her that she would tolerate, making no treatment right now the better option.

    Linda Z.


    Just wondering if anyone has had experience of stroke or other clotting /thrombic conditions in the months before diagnosis?.

    My Mother ,who has been recently diagnosed CC after a bout of Jaundice 6 weeks ago, had a stroke caused by a blood clot end of November 08.

    She made a very brave recovery from this and has only a small left side deficit in her leg and arm.

    Knowing that CC is a slow and insidious cancer, I feel that she most probably was growing the cancer at that time,although there were no specific symptoms other than she seemed to be aging a little more quickly than my Dad,who is the same age.

    At 81 she has been offered no treatment other than palliative care,which leads me to assume the CC is pretty far advanced.The time frame would be about right assuming an approximate 3 year course for the disease with no treatment.

    Any helpful opinions?


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