How long did you wait to start Chemo?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion How long did you wait to start Chemo?

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    Hi Andie,

    Thanks for the update on your dad after his app today. Grrr, more of the waiting game. I guess that we all get to be good at playing that one! I guess that if your dad is going to get an emergency ptc then it is better to get it done as quick as possible, even if it does mean your dad going to another hospital that he may be unfamiliar with.

    Glad to hear that the doctor and nurse specialist were pleased with how your dad is doing with putting on weight and feeling well with himself. And hopefully the blood test results on Monday will bring some good news. I remember the last time the jaundice appeared in my dad and he had the slight yellowing of the eyes, but he never had the darkened urine either or the itching.

    Fingers crossed for Monday.

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    More waiting! Dad had blood test today, will know results Monday. They think his stent is blocking as dad’s eyes have now got a slight yellow tinge. They have told him to continue on his antibiotics though. Once the blood test is back they will try to slot him in for an emergency ptc if one is needed. This may have to be done at another hospital though if they can get dad in quicker. Dad not happy about the idea of another hospital as he likes and trusts the one in Birmingham but it’s more important to get the Jaundice down so Chemo can start.

    Despite this setback the Doctor and Clinical nurse specialist where really pleased with dad, they were really happy he has put on weight and feels very well in himself. What is strange though is that he doesn’t have dark urine like last time he became jaundiced, though he does drink 3 litres a day so perhaps that is helping, or a lose of appetite.

    Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts.

    Best wishes to you all


    Hoping for good stuff today. Let us know how it goes.



    Hope you get some good news today Andie and I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and your dad.

    Best wishes,



    Thinking of you today!!


    Hi Gavin,

    He will have a scan when he’s completed 3 chemo cycles, but at this rate I don’t know when they will start.

    They did a EUS/Biopsy on 17 May and said from that it was still the same as previous images and had not spread.

    My Dad is trying to keep positive and he is still doing things as he was before, he has never felt ill once during the last few months.

    I will let you know what happens Friday

    Thank you and best wishes


    Hi Andie,

    I will keep my fingers crossed for you and your dad for Friday. Glad to hear that your dad is still feeling well and putting on weight. And his still wanting to do jobs is a good thing. Is he due to have a scan again soon?

    Best wishes,



    My Dad is still waiting to start Chemo. He was due to start last Friday but his Bilirubin was too high (75) We have just been to see the oncologist who has referred Dad back to the Liver hospital on Friday to see about having his stent unblocked. It has been 3 months now since he was diagnosed and my Dad is beginning to get anxious that no treatment has started. They originally said he’d got a few months to live and even though they were wrong in doing that, those words are still in his mind and a few months has passed.

    Dad is still feeling well, continues to put on weight and do jobs. They said the cancer is slow growing but could it have grown and spread, would he have shown any other symptons?

    They haven’t done a blood test today, they said last week they would as he is on antibiotics and it may have been an infection so his levels may have come down but the oncologisit today said it wasn’t an infection as Dad hadn’t had a fever or chills.

    Another rollercoaster day, fingers crossed they sort dad out Friday.

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