Cholangiocarcinoma Cancer

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Cholangiocarcinoma Cancer

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    Hi Jemima,

    Hope all goes well tomorrow with Dr Askall, hope i havent missed you before you go down make sure you try to ask the the questions you have (i wrote them down found it helped as you do forget).
    He had a bad weekend high temp etc but being stubborn lol he would not let me ring the hospital but he road it out and was feeling much better yesterday thank god, apart from that he his been feeling great.I try and get on here as much as possible mostly every day apart from weekend.
    I want to wish you and your family all the best for today, let me know how you get on.
    Thinking of u all
    Kristy x

    Jemima wrote:
    Hi Kristy

    Thank you for your reply. I told my Mum what you had written and along with the fact that it is just a lot closer she has decided that she will the chemo at Singleton.
    We are off there tomorrow (monday) to meet Dr Askall for the first time and to get everything set up so that she can start her chemo as soon as we get back from holidaying in France.
    This is providing that the surgeon in France that we saw last week does not decide to operate. We are waiting on tenterhooks for that news but hopefully it won’t be too long.
    I hope very much that your partner is still feeling well with the chemo. I expect that you don’t have much time to get on here but I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you.
    thoughts and best wishes



    Hi Kristy

    Thank you for your reply. I told my Mum what you had written and along with the fact that it is just a lot closer she has decided that she will the chemo at Singleton.
    We are off there tomorrow (monday) to meet Dr Askall for the first time and to get everything set up so that she can start her chemo as soon as we get back from holidaying in France.
    This is providing that the surgeon in France that we saw last week does not decide to operate. We are waiting on tenterhooks for that news but hopefully it won’t be too long.
    I hope very much that your partner is still feeling well with the chemo. I expect that you don’t have much time to get on here but I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you.
    thoughts and best wishes



    Hi Jemima,
    Thank you all went well he is still feeling well in himself. I agree you have to keep positive and strong physically and mentally through this and will be good for your mum to see all the family will keep her spirits high, everything with the hospital takes to long to orginise.

    Dr Askall does seem to be ok, will answer any questions you have he rang me to make an appointment with him on his day off as i had asked one of the doctors on the ward about some treatments. He asked me to bring in all information that i had and he would go through the options, which i did and kept him there for nearly 2 hours. He did say the new treatment might have a to wait for for a few weeks as they have to arrange it with Chemo Day Unit. I did tell him i wasnt happy that everything has taken so long since the start of being diagnosed,he came back in and offered us treatment the following week. I have never been pushy before but i have sat back for months and felt as if i need to keep on top of them to do something. My partners protein was very low and i bought him protein drinks and while in hospital i mentioned it to the doctor and she said or yes we have them here they are good to build his protein up and help with his weight, but if i had not mentioned it we would have not known.

    Hope your mum is doing well, take care.


    Jemima wrote:
    Hi Kristy (sorry got your name wrong before as I have a friend called Kirsty so it must have been on my mind !)

    That is so bad that they didn’t do the blood tests. I felt exactly the same way all along that everything takes ages to happen and even if it is a day or a week it does all add up and suddenly you are a month down the line and still nothing has happened. Anyway, in your case I am hoping that all goes well tomorrow and that your partner gets his chemo.

    My mum is not starting chemo until August as we booked a holiday (before being diagnosed with cc) to go to France to see all our family out there at the end of July. If things had happened more quickly then she probably would be in the middle of chemo now and we wouldn’t have considered it but what with other appointments happening going to France will only delay it by a couple of weeks. Dr Crosby at Velindre has agreed that the emotional benefit of being with family for a week outweighs the disadvantages of delaying the chemo. I know she will have a great time and it will be a boost to her morale but part of me just wants to get on with it as we have waited so long already.

    I think it is Dr Askall that Dr Crosby has said we would see at Singleton. Is he OK ? She needs to make a decision about where to have the chemo quite quickly as we need to get the appointment booked in so that she can start straight away after we get back from holiday. Is he nice, professional, sympathetic ?

    I will post about the other opinions we have got as soon as we have any news. Prof Davidson has been very nice so far in all the emails we have exchanged but I have not heard from him yet since he has had Mum’s scan images etc.

    Best wishes to you both and good luck for tomorrow



    Hi Andie,
    Sorry for late reply havent been well myself, anyway my partner David had Chemo eventually on Thursday was there for 8 hours but is still feeling fine on this combination of Chemo ECX which doctor advised. I believe he is taking antibiotics but will check as there are so many tablets he has to take hard to keep track. I know makes me want to scream aswell.

    Hope all is good your end, take care

    Andie wrote:
    Hi Kristy,

    Was thinking about you today. I don’t blame you for moaning, a simple blood test should have been given so you know if blood levels are ok for chemo. It’s the little things like this that sometimes push me over the edge and make me want to scream.

    Did the oncologist mention your partner taking a low dose antibiotics whilst on Chemo?. My Dad was advised by his Doctor to, it helps keep infections at bay in the stent whilst on Chemo.

    Good luck for tomorrow

    Best wishes


    Hi Kristy (sorry got your name wrong before as I have a friend called Kirsty so it must have been on my mind !)

    That is so bad that they didn’t do the blood tests. I felt exactly the same way all along that everything takes ages to happen and even if it is a day or a week it does all add up and suddenly you are a month down the line and still nothing has happened. Anyway, in your case I am hoping that all goes well tomorrow and that your partner gets his chemo.

    My mum is not starting chemo until August as we booked a holiday (before being diagnosed with cc) to go to France to see all our family out there at the end of July. If things had happened more quickly then she probably would be in the middle of chemo now and we wouldn’t have considered it but what with other appointments happening going to France will only delay it by a couple of weeks. Dr Crosby at Velindre has agreed that the emotional benefit of being with family for a week outweighs the disadvantages of delaying the chemo. I know she will have a great time and it will be a boost to her morale but part of me just wants to get on with it as we have waited so long already.

    I think it is Dr Askall that Dr Crosby has said we would see at Singleton. Is he OK ? She needs to make a decision about where to have the chemo quite quickly as we need to get the appointment booked in so that she can start straight away after we get back from holiday. Is he nice, professional, sympathetic ?

    I will post about the other opinions we have got as soon as we have any news. Prof Davidson has been very nice so far in all the emails we have exchanged but I have not heard from him yet since he has had Mum’s scan images etc.

    Best wishes to you both and good luck for tomorrow



    Hi Kristy,

    Was thinking about you today. I don’t blame you for moaning, a simple blood test should have been given so you know if blood levels are ok for chemo. It’s the little things like this that sometimes push me over the edge and make me want to scream.

    Did the oncologist mention your partner taking a low dose antibiotics whilst on Chemo?. My Dad was advised by his Doctor to, it helps keep infections at bay in the stent whilst on Chemo.

    Good luck for tomorrow

    Best wishes


    Hi Jemima,

    So sorry to hear about your mum, my partner has it in the bile duct and they had to put a stent in which was done begining of march 2010 @ Singleton Hospital, the specialist is Dr Askall at Singleton who has been and still is treating my partner. I have been reading up on Cholangiocarcinoma and it is all mind blowing just dont know which way is the best to go at the moment, Andie has given some good advice on where to go for opinions. Iam glad you are having other opinions regarding this Cancer, i have been doing research but not sure the best places to go. Let me know how your mum gets on with the other opinions and wishing you and your mum all the luck. He was due to start his new Chemo today but we got there as arranged by the doctor this morning to be told they cant give the Chemo as he has not had his bloods done no one had arranged for them to be done so was sent home and have to go back early tomorrow morning. Its just a nitemare we worked oursleves up the last few days to be told it cant be given today, i was very annoyed but my partner said not to worry he is going back tomorrow but all these littles mistakes along the way just make you think another day wasted, the waiting time between treatments etc are all adding up why dont they just get on with things instead of weeks passing by. I have had my moan now lol…..Sorry. Why does your mum have to wait until Aug to start he Chemo?

    Thinking of u all down there in Pembrokeshire.


    Jemima wrote:
    Hi Kirsty

    I have only just seen your post. Not sure how I missed it. I am just down the road from you in Pembrokeshire. My Mum was diagnosed in Feb 2010 with CC and has a klatskin tumour which is in the left bile duct just inside the liver but it has now spread a little to the right duct. The first place we went to for surgery advice (Basingstoke) said that it was inoperable, but we are getting a second opinion from Prof Brian Davidson at the Royal Free in London, and a third opinion from Prof Jacques Belghiti in Paris (my mum is French but lives here).
    If they don’t come up with anything then she is due to start chemotherapy (gem/cis) at the beginning of August.
    Who is it that your partner has seen ? Was it in Swansea ? For chemotherapy we have seen Dr Crosby at the Velindre Cancer Centre in Cardiff but Mum may end up having the treatment at Singleton but I can’t remember the name of the doctor…Dr A??? Would this be who you have ?
    It doesn’t seem like they are very switched on or sympathetic so it may sway our decision to stay in Cardiff even though it is further away.
    In everything that I have learnt so far the best thing to do is get as much information as possible and then if you are not happy with the care that you are getting then try somewhere else.
    Sending my best wishes to you and your partner


    Hi Kirsty

    I have only just seen your post. Not sure how I missed it. I am just down the road from you in Pembrokeshire. My Mum was diagnosed in Feb 2010 with CC and has a klatskin tumour which is in the left bile duct just inside the liver but it has now spread a little to the right duct. The first place we went to for surgery advice (Basingstoke) said that it was inoperable, but we are getting a second opinion from Prof Brian Davidson at the Royal Free in London, and a third opinion from Prof Jacques Belghiti in Paris (my mum is French but lives here).
    If they don’t come up with anything then she is due to start chemotherapy (gem/cis) at the beginning of August.
    Who is it that your partner has seen ? Was it in Swansea ? For chemotherapy we have seen Dr Crosby at the Velindre Cancer Centre in Cardiff but Mum may end up having the treatment at Singleton but I can’t remember the name of the doctor…Dr A??? Would this be who you have ?
    It doesn’t seem like they are very switched on or sympathetic so it may sway our decision to stay in Cardiff even though it is further away.
    In everything that I have learnt so far the best thing to do is get as much information as possible and then if you are not happy with the care that you are getting then try somewhere else.
    Sending my best wishes to you and your partner


    Just a quick message before i go to bed, early start in the morning and a long day ahead with the Chemo. Many thanks to all of you that have left messages, Will try and get back to reply to them tomorrow evening.

    Take care all



    Hi Kirsty,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you had to find us all. And I am sorry to hear what you and your partner have been through. That sure is quite a tough time that you both have been through.

    My dad was diagnosed back in the summer of 2008 and his first symptom was the yellowing of the eyes caused by the jaundice. Finally when he was admitted to hospital, Ninewells in Dundee, they did the usually battery of tests which lasted about 3 weeks or so. First they thought it was gall bladder related, then this, then that etc before finally he was diagnosed with inoperable CC. My dad had a metal stent inserted to help relieve the jaundice and then he had Photodynamic therapy to try and slow down the progression of the tumour. He couldn’t have surgery due to the location of the tunour, too close to the portal artery and he also couldn’t have radiation. He hoped to try chemo at a later date, but unfortunately he couldn’t do that either.

    As to a second opinion for your partner, I would say to definitely do this and the names of doctors that Andie has given you are a great starting point, as they are well known and experienced in dealing with CC. I have to say, that in my opinion what your partner was told by that doctor that he and only one other doctor in the UK have dealt with CC is complete nonsense. I do hope that you manage to arrange a second opnion asap for your partner.

    I know how you feel when you say you are banging your head against a brick wall, I felt the same when my dad was diagnosed and trying to get my head around all of this. But you are doing the right thing in coming here and looking for help, so please keep coming back here and we will all help you as best we can. My dad was diagnosed and treated at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee and his specialist was Mr Iain Tait. Feel free to ask any and all questions that you will have and I am certain that someone here will be able to help.

    Good luck with everything and my best wishes to you and your partner,



    Hello KR15TY, welcome to our family and as you can see they are a wonderful caring, smart family. So sorry to hear what you have been through but sounds like you are on the right tract now. You were very smart to get other opinions and it sounds like you really listened to your gut! Please keep us posted as we all really care.



    My Dad will be having Gemcitabine and Cisplatin. Day 1 he will have both, Day 8 he will just have Cisplatin then he has 13 days off. They are hoping to give him 3 cycles then scan to see if it has worked. This was the treatment that came about from the ABC02 trial and has proved to be succesful in advanced cases compared to just Gemcitabine alone.

    My Dads CC isn’t in the liver it’s contained in the bile duct outside the liver.

    Good luck to you and your husband with the Chemo.


    It sounds like my partner has the same as your dad, they put a stent in which on the second attempt worked thank god so chemo could be started his first treatment was Cepectibane which after 8 cycles of 30 minute sessions did not work. Due to feeling very unwell i insisted a CT Scan was brought forward as was due to have it the week later, which the doctor agreed to. We were informed that the cancer is 13 cm in the liver and on the main vein from the bile duct and has spead to stomach. They are now going to give him a combination Chemo which is called ECX Chemo which he is starting tomorrow,the mixture is made up of epirubicine-cisplatin and capecitabine also known as Xeloda as they say his was inoperable. Will let you know how he gets on. I cant remember but will ask my partner what they said.What Chemo is your dad having?




    Our local hospital that my Dad was sent to when he was admitted for jaundice told him there was no treatment available and more or less to go home and live what few weeks he had left.

    The local Liver hospital, The QE Birmingham, looked at Dads scans and though deemed it inoperable due to it’s location (though very small it is round important veins and arteries, surgery would be too risky) had agreed to start Dad on Chemo. They were able at the time to get a stent into Dads bile duct, something that our local hospital had trouble doing. This got rid of Dads Jaundice and up until last week that kept it at bay. Typical of this rollercoaster ride the stent has decided to block just as chemo was about to start aarrgghh!! We are now awaiting an emergency appointment for a bed to become available so Dad can have his stent unblocked.

    Dad wasn’t keen on second opinions for surgery as over the last few years he has had a few, and I think the fact that the operation due to tumour location could be more life threatening than the cancer itself put him off. He had colon cancer in 2000 and this resulted in 3 operations and most of his colon removed. He recovered well from this and was cancer free for 9 years until this little beast decided to pop up. I think because he feels so well he doesn’t want to undergo another operation that has more chance of not working, which I can understand. He was happy with the Chemo choice as originally he was told no treatment was available.

    We have looked into Cyberknife but have been told Dad must have a response to chemo first. I’m hoping that because it’s slow growing and at the moment very small that the Chemo will help keep it under control. We were told if it had grown anywhere else it would have gone undetected, luckily it chose to grow just so that the bile duct became blocked and the jaundice issued the warning signs.

    My Dads is extrahepatic, have they said where your husbands is as this can make a difference to surgery/treatment options.

    I will be keeping everything crossed for you that you get some answers, and I’m sure more members will be offering you some more advice soon.

    Keep positive


    Many thanks, much appreciate your help and kind words

    devoncat wrote:
    I was originally diagnosed in Scotland and we have lots of UK members here who
    I am sure will pop along and offer some more advice, though Andie did give the cc specialists that I can think of.

    Hang in there.


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