Surgery Scheduled for this Friday.

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    Hello Christine. I’m just now reading your posts. That’s wonderful news about your mom’s successful surgery! I had a similar treatment as your mom. In May 2004 I was diagnosed with CC. I had a liver resection, 75% of my liver was removed (including my gall bladder), as they removed a 4-5cm tumor in my liver. My surgery took about 6 hours. I later had 6-week adjuvant therapy of chemo (pill form) and radiation.

    I wish the best to your mom as she recuperates! And prayers for continued success in her upcoming treatments!



    Hi Thank you for all your posts about your mother and I am happy she is doing so well. My husband, Karl, has just been told he can also have the surgery and it is scheduled for Aug. 20th. Reading your posts is very helpful to me to kind of get an idea of what to expect.


    My mother called this morning, Checking on my husband. He has out-patient knee surgery today. She was worried about how I was going to get him home. I told her, ‘not to worry, I have brothers, remember, Mom.’ ‘how well I remember, I gave birth to them and raised those wonderful monster,’ she said. She is always joking around. She was also worried about not being there for him today. Bless her heart. Mother’s will be mothers, worrying about eveybody else first, before themselves.
    She is doing Great. Her first night home was good. She said, the pain was tolerable and has not taken any pain meds. Her doctors, told her yesterday, that there is a tummor on the right side of the liver. Very small. They would like to do radiation in about four weeks. Now she told us she would not do chemo, but she did. She told us, she would never to radiation, but she talked as if that was what she was going to do next. She continues to shock us. She just keep taking the next step and is listening to what the doctors are telling her to do. Which is great, they have the best influence over her, than we do. We just wait for her next decision and support her on her decisions. That is all we can do.
    Oh get this, she said today was house cleaning day. Her and my sister are going to get a few things done. She is crazy! The real issue is this. She has been a smoker since she was a teenager. The doctors has advised her to stop. She didn’t stop, but has tried on several occassion in the past seven months. After this surgery, she said she was done. Yippee! Now she can’t stand the smell of the smoke in the house. That is the only thing, making her sick. So, she has to get rid of the smell. My sister said, she will start cleaning somethings today and tomorrow my sister and I are going for the overhaul. Whatever it takes to make Mom comfortable and happy, will happen. By the way, both my sister and I decided to quit smoking with her. All for one, one for all. Woo Hoo! :)
    Well that’s my update, talk at you all later. Thanks for everybody being here for me and my family. It is a wonderful feeling, knowing you have people who care, standing beside you. Thank you for letting me part of your family, as well. I pray for everybody on this site, everyday. I am thankful to be here.



    My Mother was released from the hospital this morning. Can you believe it? She is amazing. She has shocked us all. She has done such a remarkable job with her recovery at the hospital. We are so happy to have her home. Yippee! :)



    That’s WONDERFUL news, Christine!!! Yay!!! :-D


    Hi Christine,

    That is great news and thanks very much for sharing it with us all!! Keeping my fingers crossed for a very soeedy recovery for your mum and I hope that she gets home soon.

    Best wishes to you and your mum,



    That’s superb news about your Mom – she’s be home before you know it.



    Christine…terrific news. Your Mom appears to be recuperating very well. Good luck on the “pooping” once solids have been introduced. Then we know that everything re-routed is functioning perfectly. A few tips: moving around as much as possible aids in digestion and pressing a pillow against the tummy decreases the discomfort while coughing. Every day should bring her up a notch in the recovery process and brings with it a great outlook for the future.
    Good luck and best wishes,


    “…poop an ice cube” caused me to laugh till tears came. Proverbs says that “A merry heart does good like a medicine.” Your mothers sense of humor will serve her well. Prayers for your mother and her recovery…



    The news does not get any better than that! We are so very happy for all of you! Way to go Mom! I am so overjoyed for you I have happy tears. And don’t listen to the extra 2 year deal. Your mom is not signed up for that!!!


    All is Well! :) My Mother’s surgery went quite well. The surgerons were able to remove the gall bladder, the tumor on her bile duct and the left part of her liver. It took approxiately three hours for the surgery. My brother saw her doctor in the pre-op area after the surgery, actually dancing, before he came out to talk to us about the surgery. It was a very successful surgery. Great News! :) He was able to remove everything that he could see. The reality is, that of course, what he could see. He recommended, radiation by the bile duct, after her recovery. He did say, this surgery provided another year or two of life expectancy. Not so great of news, but the outlook is much better than, what we had before the surgery. Besides the way we figure it, her attitude is not something to be overlooked. Obviously, she is still in the Fighting Mode. Her only problem, she had was waking up from the surgery, so they kepted her on the ventilator, until the following morning. She wasn’t too happy about that or the feeding tube either. But they removed the feeding tube by Sunday. She is in a pre-op care room, since Monday night. She is tolerating the pain quite well. She has been on oral pain relief since yesterday and has only taken them at night and in the morning. She was able to walk the floor yesterday and is still on a full liquid diet. Should be able to have soft solids today. She has the nurses in stitches, on her floor. One nurse came in and asked her if she had a BM yet? My Mother looked at her and said, ‘No, but how can I poop an ice cube? Get me on solid foods and we’ll talk BM’s.’ So, of course, they keep coming in, asking the same question, just to hear the answer again. What a Hoot, she is. Her recovery is remarkable. Spirits are great. She is ready to go home, she says. They are talking about releasing her this Friday. She told the doctors, ‘don’t tell me a release date, then there are no false hopes.’ She had a sonogram on her legs yesterday and they are clear. By the way, her swelling in her legs is all but gone. Which she is very happy about. So, at the rate of her recovery, we should see her at home fairly soon. This is all great news and we are so proud of our Mom. Yes, we are!


    Thanks to everybody for your warm wishes and prayers. The support system, here on this site is awesome. I truly appreciate it. Knowing the power of prayer, I know my Mother is in the greatest hands. I know this surgery is the best next step for my Mother. She is nervous and excited at the time. She just wants this surgery done and behind her. Can’t say I blame her. Her spirits are really high, so that is great. I’ll be posting on her progress, when I get a chance. Thanks again! :)



    christine….I am crossing my fingers, toes. (I know that Lainy crosses her eyes too) for a successful resection.
    I will be thinking of your Mom and your family,
    Best wishes are coming your way,


    That’s terrific for the surgery. I also had the left lobe removed with the gallbladder, and intestines were relocated to the other side of the liver as a bile duct was actually removed. The drs. told me and my family it would be about 5 hours. Surgery actually took 8 hours to complete. When they do finally “get in there” to see what they have to do, other things may occur or come up that require attention that they didn’t know about previously. With me, there was another tumor, and they checked more lymph nodes, etc. I felt comfortable at least, that they took their time, no matter how long it was, to make sure they were doing all they could while they had you there.

    Whatever it takes, get it out and do a good job. If it takes longer than what they originally say, that doesn’t mean there is something wrong, just that they want to be thorough. I’ll be praying for you and your family as your Mom goes through this. Sounds like she has a great support system there for her. Best wishes, and keep us informed. The first step has come…!! Wonderful.



    Hi Christine,
    The reason the whipple takes so long is because of the three complex joins the surgeon has to make. If your mother is having liver resection and it goes smoothly then perhaps the surgeon is confident that he can do the resection and the join quite quickly. Or he might take longer, try not to panic. It will be awful waiting but do try to give a little extra time – my dad’s surgeon didn’t call us until after he was out of recovery.

    Wishing your mum successful surgery and quick recovery

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