Great News!!

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    Theresa – yes she has Stage 4 Bile Duct Cancer with Mets to the liver, lymph nodes and lung. And yes, she does have a stent. It is a temporary one that is replaced every three months.


    That is great news. So glad to hear that it can go into remission. It looks like I will be starting the gemzar/cisplatin treatment next month. Does your mom have the cancer in the bile duct and if so, does she have a stent?



    Great news, ToniAnn – & good luck with the cyberknife treatment, too.



    This is so exciting for me to read. My dad was just diagnosed with CC in his liver and lymph nodes. He couldn’t have a resection and is having radiation with Xeloda for chemotherapy. I didn’t even realize that it was possible to wipe it out of the liver. No one has told us this. Thanks for the encouragement and I pray that your mom’s condition continues to improve.


    That’s wonderful news, the sort of story that gives us all hope.

    Best Wishes


    Hi ToniAnn,

    Welcome to the site and thank you for sharing this news with us all, it is always wonderful to hear great news! I am hoping that the good news continues for your mum and am looking forward to hearing about it.

    Best wishes to you and your mum,



    Wonderful news! It can/does happen. Good for all of us to remember.


    Fantastic news, your mom responded so well to the GemCis.
    So pleased for you.


    ToniAnn…..wonderful news. Kissing the doctor is allowed (I think)
    Your Mom will be the first (on this board) to have her lung tumors treated with cyberknife radiation. Of course, we are looking forward to hearing the continued success story.
    Best wishes,


    Oh, ToniAnn that is the best news and what a way to start a wonderful weekend.
    Teddy had Cyber Knife 2 years ago and we cannot rave enough about it. Good, good, wonderful! So happy for you and your mom.


    Just wanted to post this…my mother was diagnosed in December 2009 with stage 4 CC with mets to the liver (both lobes), the lung, and lymph nodes..
    She has been having her treatment done at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL and her chemo treatment was gezmer/cisplatin since January. She had a scan on Thursday July 15th and the scan showed nothing in the liver, bile duct, lymph nodes.. she is in remission.

    We almost kissed the doctor but then of course was the BUT.. the met on her lung was looking like it was flaring up. We have an appointment with a doctor would specializes in cyberknife and they feel they could do this on the lung and then just another 6 weeks of chemo..(Flofox or something like that..:) Still praying for a good turnout. I know this is a rollarcoaster and it goes up and down and things can still happen, but hey, so far we knocked 90% of this sucker out so thats definitly a great thing!!

    Have faith, keep praying and fight the fight.. I will keep you all posted!! ‘

    ToniAnn S.

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