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    There are so many different combos of chemo out there, radiation, resection, transplant, etc. It is confusing that some things work for some and not others.

    My diagnosis was July 29 of 2009. My 1 year anniversary is Friday and I am truly very thankful for it. I like Kris’ statement about I feel ok today.

    I have around 20 tumors that run from very small to a number of large ones.
    It is in both lobes. As I read about other folks it seems they have one or two. Does anyone have alot of tumors? I am fortunate and blessed that it has stayed in the liver.

    It isn’t fun or easy but I decided I can be miserable for the rest of my life or positive. For me it is easier and I feel better if I am positive. There are days when I feel sorry for myself and depressed but I do find peace when I turn it over to the Lord.

    It is so exciting to read about someones good news and to realize that something is working that gives us all hope.

    Thanks for listening…I feel ok today!


    Welcome Charley!
    Fellow SCer here, though now I live in Sweden and dont get home as much as I would like.

    This is the place for both support and opinions…and we have alot of both! I always think you should go with your gut. If you want to be more aggressive, then find someone who will be. If you trust your drs, let them take the lead with your imput.

    Stable is great, shrinkage is excellent. May it continue.



    You are SO welcome, Charley – I’m very glad you’ve joined us. Please keep coming back & letting us know how you are. I also absolutely love words like “shrinkage” & “stability” :D

    Julia x


    Hello Charley….I am so glad that you have joined us. BTW there are others on this board from your area. Hopefully, you are able to connect. I agree with Gavin in that minor shrinkage and stable disease is fantastic news to share. Congratulations. I am wondering: had you been diagnosed this year or last year?
    You probably know this already however, I thought to mention again our google search. top bar, right hand side. I am hoping for others to come forward and share your experience re: Therasphere however, you might want to also read up on some older postings regarding this subject.
    Again, I am glad that you have joined us chemo brain or not. We are always happy to welcome a new member to our site.
    And, love is coming right back at you


    Hi Charley,

    Welcome to the site. I’m sorry that you have to be here, but am happy that you have joined us all here. Please do keep coming back as you will get a ton of support and help from us all if we can. I can’t help you with your specific questions as my dad never had chemo or radiation, he had PDT. But if both of your ONC’s are saying that they are happy with stability of your tumours then is that not a good thing? I am sure that others will be along soon to offer their thoughts and share their experiences with you.

    I am glad that you found us all and joined us here. I came here when my dad was diagnosed back in 2008 and it was the best thing that I could have done. Everyone here was a great help to me and I am certain that they will be of great help to you as well. Keep coming back, keep posting, ask a load of questions and we will all be here for you.

    My best wishes to you,



    I have been trying to join but with chemobrain, it has taken me a while. My name is Charely (female) from SC. I was diagnosed last July 9th with ICC that is inoperable. I am 57. I have been reading all of your discussions and have laughed and cried with you all. You have been an inspiration to me and if I can help anyone in anyway like you have helped me, it would be a privilege.

    I have been to Duke and Mayo for help but all they can recommend is chemo.
    Currentlly I am getting gemzar and avastin every two weeks. Scans throughout have shown minor shrinkage but tumors remain stable. I don’t know if I should be more aggressive or not. My ONC thinks I should be pleased as does my ONC at Duke. They say if it progresses, then we’ll do the spheres but I am not sure whether I should go on and do the radiation now.

    Has anyone had luck with that procedure?

    Anyway I am glad to have found folks to talk to who live this life everyday and understand our thoughts and emotions as we go on this journey.

    Thanks for the chance. I already love you all!

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