Bile Thinner

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    I use Acti-gall as well and I’ve had great luck with it….no side effects either.



    my dad drinks juiced beetroot ive read that this thins the bile


    Ask your Dr. for a prescription called URSO (Brand name Actigall). It is used to dissolve gallstones mostly, but has some off label treatments. I took it to thin bile and restore good bile flow due to my liver disease (PSC) and then for the subsequent cholangiocarcinoma. It takes awhile to build up and thin out your bile but it will do the trick.



    Kristin….I love your natural healing advise and personally can attest to the many healing powers of teas and herbs although, acute symptoms were addressed in a more conventional way. My children learned to like Fennel tea, Peppermint tea, and Chamomile tea from early on. My babies started with fennel tea for digestion, Chamomile tea because it was easy on the stomach and Peppermint tea for anything else under the sun. In fact, my oldest son jokes that when someone does not feel good to drink Peppermint tea as it cures everything. I realize that it doesn’t, but I believe for these teas to have an important role in treating our bodies kindly. I used to grow it for personal use and my Mom still does to this date.
    Best wishes,


    The dandelion root tea has a very mild flavor, a little bit like licorice or fennel, so it might not be too difficult to drink even if he’s not feeling well.

    Other members will probably chime in with more ideas too.

    Best wishes to both of you!



    Thanks Kristin,

    I will add this to my list! Dad doesn’t seem too well at the moment. He doesn’t have much appetite and he is sleeping more. He had a rough time with the change of stent, firstly picking up an bacterial infection and then becoming constipated from the IV antibiotics. They gave him tablets and movicol for this but Dad has a illestomy bag and I think the combination was a bit too strong and he has really suffered with his stomach. I’d read tomato juice was good for Jaundice, not only for the bile but the appetite so he has started to drink and enjoy this. We are back at the hospital Friday to have his blood took, fingers crossed his bilirubin has come down and he can have the drain took out, it is capped off at moment, if not they will put drain bag back on and have mentioned a CT scan as they gave him a cholangiogram (sp) and the dye was moving around the bile ducts as it should.

    More waiting but hopefully it will be good news, we have got to have some soon, this rollercoaster has been dipping down way too long!


    I’ve been drinking dandelion root tea. I have an exterior bile drain (and bag) and a couple of times the bile turned kind of thick and goopy– I drank some big mugs of that tea, and it went back to normal. That doesn’t prove anything, but it is a traditional remedy.

    Hope this helps!


    Hi, does anyone know of any remedies to keep bile thin.

    I’ve read lemon juice in warm water, tomato juice and also radishes are supposed to be good for jaundice and thinning bile.

    Has anyone tried these or have any other ideas?

    Thanks in advance

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