My successful story so far…

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working My successful story so far…

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  • #40330

    TK…indeed, good news is what we thrive on. (It helps us get through the rough spots.) I wish for continued success and please, keep us posted. No argument coming from me re: Janet. We love her too.
    Best wishes,


    Hi TK,

    Many thanks for sharing your good news here with us all, and you are right in that your success will give hope to others. I am keeping my fingers crossed that your future scans give the same good news as your last one.

    Best wishes,



    ….. in Sydney Australia.

    I was diagnosed with CC in October 2009. I had a successful resection in November 2009 where my cancerous common bile duct and gall bladder were removed, but a few lymph nodes were found to have cancer cells.

    I completed six months chemo-therapy from February to July 2010, where I had Cisplatin and Gemcitabine.

    A post chemo CT scan found no cancer cells, but I do understand that I have a fair way to go. I will have six monthly CT scans for the next four years, to moniter my progress. And my understanding is that after five years, the cancer would be said to be in remission.

    I just wanted to put this post up, to give patients and loved ones good news and hope. I also wanted to thank the supportive, caring people who keeps this site going for the benefit of everyone who is affected by CC.

    In praising the people who keeps this site going, I don’t want to individually name names, as I don’t want to offend anyone that I may miss. However, I do wish to thank Janet (Magic) from NSW Australia for her just being on this site. I am a bit biased as she is a local Aussie, but I have read some of her posts of how she first got onto this site and how she was encouraged to stay on to support others.

    My mother had a knee surgery last week Janet, to replace one of her old ones. So best wishes to you for your knee surgery.

    As it is often said, knowledge is empowering which is why I am thankful for this site, but also the people on here are just so supportive and caring.

    Prayers and best wishes to you all.


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