Webinar reminder

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  • #40936

    I heartily second Gavin’s sentiments, and many thanks indeed to all concerned.

    Dr Choti’s closing remark really made me smile, “… let’s try to lick this disease.”

    Amen to that, Dr Choti!!

    Love and positive thoughts for everyone.



    Thanks to Sara, Rick and everyone else involved in organising and running the webinar. I’ve just finished listening to it and it was excellent stuff indeed! Most informative and I know that I learned an awful lot. And of course thanks go to Dr Choti for his presentation and for answering the questions that he did. Looking forward to the next one!

    My thanks again to all involved.



    Please, remember to join us tomorrow. It will be an informative session and hopefully lead to many great discussions on this board.
    Until tomorrow.

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